Hi. I am new to fitness pal and wondering - Do I really need to eat this much Protein?



  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    ahamm002 wrote: »
    There is no such thing as mostly vegan.

    Actually there are a lot of people who eat a "mostly vegan" diet. For some reason this offends the purists. How dare they!?!?!?!

    I could be wrong but I think Iron_Feline is an omnivore.

    That persons diet isn't "mostly vegan" based off of what they listed. Maybe vegetarian, yes but definitely not "mostly vegan".

    The vegans I've talked to, go vegan for ethical reasons. And canned tuna can/has caused many a problem for dolphins and such so if that poster was actually vegan, they wouldn't be eating canned tuna (among the other things they listed)
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    ahamm002 wrote: »
    There is no such thing as mostly vegan.

    Actually there are a lot of people who eat a "mostly vegan" diet. For some reason this offends the purists. How dare they!?!?!?!

    I could be wrong but I think Iron_Feline is an omnivore.

    That persons diet isn't "mostly vegan" based off of what they listed. Maybe vegetarian, yes but definitely not "mostly vegan".

    The vegans I've talked to, go vegan for ethical reasons. And canned tuna can/has caused many a problem for dolphins and such so if that poster was actually vegan, they wouldn't be eating canned tuna (among the other things they listed)

    I am an omnivore because bacon and steak.

    People who say mostly vegan are like people who say I'm vegetarian but eat fish. If you're going to label yourself at least choose the correct label. Btw if you eat yogurt, quest bars and tuna everyday then you aren't even close to mostly vegan.

    There is nothing wrong with being an omnivore, and people who are but claim to be mostly vegan sound like they are apologising for their food choices. Own your choices people.

    *gets off soapbox*