


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    your diary is open but you havent been logging.... log EVERYTHING!

    as others have said, its a lifestyle change, not a diet, so it takes time. aim to lose a pound per week, and most importantly, DONT GIVE UP!
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    Focus on the process and not the deadline you've given yourself. You can't make your body lose X amount of weight by X date, otherwise we all would be our goal weight.

    You don't want to be on a diet, you want to change your lifestyle.

    How bad do you want this? We can support you, but you have to do the work.

    This sounds mean, but I'm not being mean, I being honest with you. When you stop making excuses, you'll start making progress. There is no magic pill, it's calories in vs calories out. Buy a food scale and weigh everything. Serving sizes aren't what you think they are. My 65 year old mom can figure out the food diary, so I know a young person like you can figure it out.

    I know you can do this, the desire is in your message. I ant wait to read your success story.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    your diary is open but you havent been logging.... log EVERYTHING!

    as others have said, its a lifestyle change, not a diet, so it takes time. aim to lose a pound per week, and most importantly, DONT GIVE UP!

    yah, you have to log your food, as well as weigh / measure it. you could be going over your cals, and probably are right now because you are not tracking what you are eating. start with that.
  • medeamama
    medeamama Posts: 47 Member
    ^^ What they said! You are so beautiful, and you can be healthy too!

    It's okay to be hungry sometimes, even if it is uncomfortable. Certain times of the day I feel like I could eat the varnish off my desk, LOL! I compare myself a an old lady in a nursing home, living from meal-to-meal!

    But what helps for me is distraction. Remember - if you tell yourself NOT to think of a yellow school bus, you will think of it. Same thing with food. So try to focus on your task or better yet, on your goal: how great you are going to look in that new dress, how nice it will be to lift more weight, or whatever!

    You CAN do it! It's hard, yes. But it does get easier!
  • danika2point0
    danika2point0 Posts: 197 Member
    If you follow the process, it will work. You need to log everything you eat consistently. Everything. If you remain at a deficit, you will lose weight. Be honest with yourself. I know how difficult that is! It will also help you see patterns in what you eat and times when you really shouldn't bother eating a certain calorie-dense, nutritionally empty thing.

    If you are lacking in motivation, that's an internal thing. Use things to help inspire you when you want to eat something that will put you over your limit, e.g. think about your new husband and how happy he would be to have you at a healthier weight. Sometimes, when we lack our own internal motivation or are feeling weak, the thoughts of those around us can be inspiring.

    Don't use a diet drug. Don't set a deadline. You need to change things in a way you can sustain or else you'll fall into the lose-gain-lose-gain cycle.

    No one can make this happen for you. Keep your eye on the prize.

    Good luck and remember we're always here.
