Friendly knee workouts

hey guys!!
So I'm 27 and I have major knee pain in both knees. I can do a squat with decent tolerability but I cannot do a lunge or side squat, or unfortunately really give it my all in any type of "jump" without babying my knees. What are your favorite high calorie burning work outs that are knee friendly?! I can run without too much pain and I enjoy it so I do that from time to time. Thanks :)


  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    Biking? swimming?
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    Elliptical, yoga, biking
  • mkcmurphy
    mkcmurphy Posts: 438 Member
    Zumba without the jumping.
  • estpete
    estpete Posts: 2
    i do elliptical excercises but it has damaged my knee i get clicking and pain now am i doing it wrong i originally through winter did 10 kms now i am down to 3.5kms and work out in pool and with weights
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    I've got more major knee injuries than I have knees!
    Cycling works for me, I can cycle 100+ miles but often can't even run 3 miles.

    BUT..... Get a proper diagnosis and get expert advice.

    Knees are very complex joints and what works for one person could be harmful for another.
  • jotoeter
    jotoeter Posts: 1 Member
    Have you already visited a physical therapist? I am suffering from painful knees for about 13 years now. Not training (because it hurt!) resulted in weaker muscles and therefore even more pain in my knees.... of course there are many different knee-problems, but my physio was focussed on getting me to build more strength in my muscles. Legpress, leg-extensions, squats, all the things I believed for years I should avoid... now all part of my routine (still no lunges though, but I'll get there).
  • Xaviernonni
    Xaviernonni Posts: 3 Member
    Kettlebells!! But I would definitely recommend a few sessions with an RKC certified instructor to get form down pat. It's one of those things that looks intimidating, but is very safe and effective if done correctly.