Is this too much food?



  • ALittleBitLess1
    ALittleBitLess1 Posts: 119 Member
    If you feel sick you have probably eaten too much, that clearly would look like a big portion on a plate so why did you eat it? (I am thinking about how big a 10oz steak is!)
    If you did not want anyone to comment on your size why did you post your stats? your username is kind of a giveaway anyway!

    If you think you have problem with dieting or eating disorder get some help, if you don't why would you even think it was an issue or feel the need to hide it from your family?

    Also sausages are not as bad as you think, 260cals for 2 sausages so a good meal with veg or jacket potato and salad, don't get too caught up in what is thought of as 'fatty'.
  • skinnylikekitkat
    If you feel sick you have probably eaten too much, that clearly would look like a big portion on a plate so why did you eat it? (I am thinking about how big a 10oz steak is!)
    If you did not want anyone to comment on your size why did you post your stats? your username is kind of a giveaway anyway!

    If you think you have problem with dieting or eating disorder get some help, if you don't why would you even think it was an issue or feel the need to hide it from your family?

    Also sausages are not as bad as you think, 260cals for 2 sausages so a good meal with veg or jacket potato and salad, don't get too caught up in what is thought of as 'fatty'.

    Haha my username is more like the dream of being skinny like a kit kat stick
    I posted my stats because there is a difference of what a big portion depending on the person's body size - a grown man shouldn't eat the same as a young girl
    I don't want my family to realise I am dieting because my dad is really against diets for some reason
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    10 oz is a larger portion size of scallops than you'd find in most restaurants.

    The rest of the information is disturbing. Hiding a diet while underweight is bad news.
  • KAS0917
    KAS0917 Posts: 172 Member
    I eat with family and I dont want them to be suspicious if I am on a diet because I generally don't really like too much attention to my eating or anything.
    I am 18yrs old, 53.5kg(118lbs) and 168cm(5ft6). I would prefer to weigh around 50kg

    Do you not want them to be suspicious if you are on a diet because you don't need to be on a diet? Eat until you're satisfied. Not until you're 'stuffed.' Eat slower so your stomach has time to register to your brain that you aren't hungry anymore. Sometimes that may be 10 ounces, sometimes it may be 4 ounces.
  • KAS0917
    KAS0917 Posts: 172 Member

    Thank you!
    Consider this: Olympic athlete in boxing and me, both women, both 18, same height. Should we weigh the same?
    Or this: my mum and me are the same height. She has had 2 children and is 56. Should we weigh the same?

    No, an Olympic athlete would probably weigh more because they have more muscle. They would also EAT more. A lot more. They may or may not fit into the BMI chart because of their muscle, but they are in peak physical condition, so they don't need to worry about fitting into a chart. That's about 1% of the world's population. If you were an elite Olympic athlete, you wouldn't wonder if 10 oz of scallops was too much. That might be your appetizer.

    Your mother is 56. She may or may not weigh more than you. Her age gives her license to a few more pounds which tends to happen with life. That's why there is a range of weight (118 to 148 for your height) that is considered healthy for most average people.

    We're simply saying that you're already at the very lowest end of what is considered healthy for your height. To give advice to someone who is at the lowest end of the weight scale on losing MORE weight would be irresponsible. If you don't like how you look, hit the gym for muscle definition!
  • kirstyfairhead
    kirstyfairhead Posts: 220 Member
    You don't need to be on this forum. It is for people who are serious about their weight issues!!

    Yesterday I believe you asked about calories in vomit and stated that you had thrown up on purpose, then you want to know if you should eat strawberries after a swim in case you don't lose weight and now you want to know if your scallop portion is too big and it's clear, if you are telling the truth about your stats, that you don't need to lose weight anyway!

    I don't know if you have an eating disorder, in which case go get help, or are just very immature, but either way this is not the right place for you!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I routiely eat 10oz of protein alongside a veg and maybe rice too for dinner. Whatever works for your calorie count.
  • skinnylikekitkat
    You don't need to be on this forum. It is for people who are serious about their weight issues!!

    Yesterday I believe you asked about calories in vomit and stated that you had thrown up on purpose, then you want to know if you should eat strawberries after a swim in case you don't lose weight and now you want to know if your scallop portion is too big and it's clear, if you are telling the truth about your stats, that you don't need to lose weight anyway!

    I don't know if you have an eating disorder, in which case go get help, or are just very immature, but either way this is not the right place for you!

    Yes, that's right, those are the things I've asked, well done for memory.
    I asked because that's what I wanted to know. Yes I had too much scallops but decided not to throw them up today and I usually have fruit after swimming so I asked if I should or shouldn't.
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    You don't need to be on this forum. It is for people who are serious about their weight issues!!

    Yesterday I believe you asked about calories in vomit and stated that you had thrown up on purpose, then you want to know if you should eat strawberries after a swim in case you don't lose weight and now you want to know if your scallop portion is too big and it's clear, if you are telling the truth about your stats, that you don't need to lose weight anyway!

    I don't know if you have an eating disorder, in which case go get help, or are just very immature, but either way this is not the right place for you!

    Yes, that's right, those are the things I've asked, well done for memory.
    I asked because that's what I wanted to know. Yes I had too much scallops but decided not to throw them up today and I usually have fruit after swimming so I asked if I should or shouldn't.

    You need a doctor, not a forum.
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    No portion is too big if you're going to throw it back up *rolls eyes*

    You need to see somebody about your issues.

    As for the OP, there is no right or wrong sized portion, eat whatever sized portion you wish that fits into a healthy daily diet.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    As stated, you need therapy, not a forum.

    You sound like you are bat *kitten* crazy.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    This website/forum is for folks who are trying to lose weight in healthy ways. That's why it's called My FITNESS Pal not my skinny pal. You see the same kind of responses when people ask about body wraps or diet pills or Body by Vi - these are quick fixes and not healthy ways to lose weight. People are concerned because they worry about you and want you to be healthy. Instead of rejecting that, you should consider that maybe what you're doing to your body and mind are not that great.

    Sounds like this is not the first time you've posted this kind of question and gotten this kind of response... Either you're a troll who's just looking for attention or you seriously need help from a professional for your eating disorder.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I don't want my family to realise I am dieting because my dad is really against diets for some reason

    Your dad is more than likely against YOU dieting because he, like us, thinks you are already at a low weight!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    As I said in your bulimia thread yesterday -

    Troll needs to work on skills.

    If not a troll, get off the Internet and seek professional help immediately.
  • TigressPat
    TigressPat Posts: 722
    As stated, you need therapy, not a forum.

    You sound like you are bat *kitten* crazy.


    either that or a Troll!
  • hdjjones
    hdjjones Posts: 130 Member
    If you're full it's too much. Eat til your satsified, not until you're in agony lol

    I agree. Your trying to satisfy your hunger, not his opinion of what you should eat. Take charge of your diet.:smile:
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    Honestly, you probably feel too full because you purged yesterday and have been eating too little lately. No, it's not too much at all.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I like a lot of protein with my meal, but even for me, 10oz at one time is a bit too much, maybe 6-8oz usually. It's really dependant on you, and your stomach though on if it's 'too much', no one can tell you that. If you feel too full, then yes, it's too much. Scallops aren't bad for you (well depending on how they're cooked) if that's also a concern for eating too much, since you want something more than just vegetables (not enough calories, darn you veggies!) to eat.

    Next time have 5oz (maybe a bit more veg if you're still in need of food), and if anyone says anything, just tell them the truth. "Last time I ate that much, I was too full". Voila, reasonable explanation that should end critcism before it begins.
  • lanandie12
    lanandie12 Posts: 3 Member
    I can not vouch for everyone else or nor do I agree with what some are saying but I am 5'6 and 150lbs. That seems like a lot but really it isn't for my height, it's healthy. My advice is don't push your body to extreme's take care of yourself and as for the portion it really depends on the person. If you feel like you over ate and are to full then that amount is to much for you where as for someone else it may be just right. All I have to say is listen to your body and pay attention to what it is telling you. Eat slower if your concerned about overeating and let you brain catch up with your stomach. Be good to yourself because you only have one life to live.
  • Scandinavia
    Scandinavia Posts: 291 Member
    This behavior seems to me, a diagnosed anorexic in recovery, as very suspicious and suspect. Hiding a diet from the people buying your food is a give away, and throwing up EVER is not a warning sign, but a dignosis waiting to happen. Even considering it is a warning sign of poor self esteem.

    I am 5'7, 120 and not able to exercise yet because my body fat percentage is so low. I do not think you need to be losing any weight. If you need help, please message me. I'd love to give you ideas on how to increase your self esteem, because I doubt you need to lose weight.