Foot pain

The ball of my foot has been hurting now for over a week. to the touch it's hard... and when I walk I can feel a lump... and it's painful. I am working on the couch to 5k program. Currently doing Week 6. And the days I am not doing that program I do a Jillian video. Would this be caused by my running? Or my runners? I just want to pain to go away. I can't walk barefoot as it's too painful. when I wear my runners I can't feel the pain... and it's less painful when I wear my flip flops... how do I get rid of it???


  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    It sounds like a bad callus. There's too much pressure on the balls of your feet, and your body is compensating for that. I would recommend a visit to the doctor to make sure, but if they are calluses, they'll probably remove them and recommend insoles or another type of softening/posture device to help prevent them from coming back.

    Edit: I use a pumice stone to keep mine away (although mine were big, they were not to the point of being painful).
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    It's under the skin that is hard... like there is a ball or something... it's very weird.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    It's a hard callus. They can be painful. Get a callus shaver or go to a podiatrist if you want a professional to take it off for you.
  • mycrobemini
    mycrobemini Posts: 122 Member
    It sounds like you've irritated some of the small bones in your foot. I did the same, on both feet! Best remedies I've found (from the orthopaedist and elsewhere) are:

    1) ice (10 minutes on, 10 minutes off), directly following exercise that might aggravate it, and on off days to help keep the swelling down.

    2) Ibuprofen (or other anti-inflammatory), in combination with the ice.

    3) Being fitted for running shoes by shoe professionals, at a proper running store, not just a place that sells shoes.

    4) Always wearing proper shoes with support, or with added insoles as necessary (Super Feet are great, and are sold online and at running shops), i.e., no barefoot, no flip flops, no slippers.

    If you try all of these things and see no improvement over 3-4 weeks, I would go see a podiatrist or orthapaedist to have it checked out.
  • BradD13
    BradD13 Posts: 10
    Well, have you ever had an ankle sprain before? If not then that's probably what it is and the pain's just radiating.

    And if you're pretty sure that's not what it is, than I would feel the area surrounding where it hurts most and if it feels like there's fluid there, then you could have fractured a metatarsal, but if it's not too incredibly bad, there's really not much doctors can do for you unless, like I said, it's you have multiple fractures on the same bone.

    It could even be a strain on any of the smaller ligaments or extensor tendons in your foot. If it becomes too painful, see a doctor, but I wouldn't be immediately concerned if flexing isn't overly excruciating. I personally use WalkFit to take care of my foot pain. It’s really simple to apply and use and the pain usually goes away after an hour of using it.

    But if it's just nerve pain and you haven't actually damaged anything, I'd give WalkFit a try. It's probably one of the only insoles that helped relieve my foot pain when all the other over the counter stuff didn't quite cut it for me. There's an in-depth review of it here:

    Hang in there!!