I need support

I have been here a million times! I have been up and down a million times. I want to loose 56lbs.

I have had a bariatric surgery that worked and now the band (I had lap-band done) literally has a hole in it. I have a foreign object in my body that serves no purpose at all.

I gained way more than I should have when I was pregnant for my one and only. I have always struggled like so many others with food. I don't do drugs but I defiantly do food!

It controls my life..

I am tired of it.. (again)

I want to be healthier for me, my husband, my child and another child if it is meant to be.

I want to be in control over this one thing in my life that affects EVERYTHING I do.

I want to be healthy and happy about myself !!

Please help me..

I need supportive friends, I need people to help answer questions I have about nutrition and working out, I need motivation ..

I am a super smart girl and know everything I am suppose to do .. I have done tons of diets including medically supervised diets by doctors .. I know the information.. I need to apply it consistently .. Consistency is my downfall .. I am like that heroin addict that just thinks one fix is OK and then its a downward spiral .. that is what food is for me ..

If you think you could help provide me awareness and is also looking for a friend that is willing to support please add me ..


  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi! I know you can do this. I would love to be friends. Feel free to add me, and I will cheer you on!
  • maryann123115
    maryann123115 Posts: 68 Member
    Sending you a request!