hello :)

Hey guys, my name is Brandy. I'm 28 years old and this is my most recent attempt at weight loss.

I think that I may have found the route that works for me this time. My previous attempts consisted of setting my goals for maximum results and unrealistic habits. I always set my weight loss goal to 2lbs a week and then I'd always go over my limit and never make it to the gym. Or I would go to the gym almost daily and then eat crap.

This go around I am focusing on changing my eating habits slowly and have set my goal to half a pound a week. I am also eating the same meals for breakfast and lunch every day with minor changes here and there. I haven't been to the gym as much, but I will incorporate that in at an undetermined time.

So far I have been massively successful with my current plan. I am eating less than I usually would and am regularly going under my calorie allotment because I'm not as hungry as I was before. I feel better and my stomach isn't as irritated as often (cholecystectomy veterans will understand).

My breakfast consists of two poached eggs and two slices of dry wheat toast.

Lunch is usually a ham sandwich on wheat with mustard, baby carrots with ranch, and a small apple, sometimes with peanut butter.

I am slowly getting away from soda, but I do indulge sometimes.

One important thing, though, I am NOT weighing myself. I refuse to let the scale own me. I am measuring my weight loss by how I feel and fit in my clothes.

I have never stuck so easily to a plan before, and I'm super excited to see how far this takes me. Wish me luck!