Help me

Ok I am to the point that I want to lose weight. I am205 pounds and 5'5 and am not happy about the way I look. I have tried before and do good working out for a couple weeks then lose interest. Anyway I hate regular diet food I've tried to force myself to eat salads and always end up getting nauseous. So idk what to do. The only food I like is meat and pasta which I know is terrible for you and I usually eat till I very full. So here's my question is there a way to trick my brain into eating salad and more diet foods. Also how do you all stay focused on diets. Diets for me are like torture bc I love food but I need a change for my health and my looks.


  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    Why do you feel you have to eat salad and "diet foods"? That's really not necessary. Eat what you like, just at a deficit (meaning calories in < calories out).
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    Don't diet then. Start weighing your food with a food scale and eat less of what you already eat. Stay around the calorie goal MFP gives you and get moving!

    Change your eating habits IF you want to. Maybe cut back on processed foods since too much sodium can make you retain water, but that's the only change I tend to recommend. Increasing protein/fat and decreasing carbs can help you feel full longer but, again, not something you have to do.

    Don't like salad? Fine. Don't eat it.

    If you like meat, go for chicken if you can - it's a great source of protein and a lean meat (which means fewer calories in a portion compared to other meat).

    If you drink your calories (lots of regular soda, juice, even milk), try switching out some of those for water or even diet soda. Not necessarily all at once. If you drink 4 different things a day, cut back to 3. Even saving 100-200 calories makes a difference :)

    Food for thought :)

  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    You could try low carb if you like meat and dislike salads and "diet food". Shame about the pasta (which I don't like) but you can use vegetables instead. is an example plan.

    Hunger is restrained by carbohydrate restriction which will help you, if you limit carbs to <50 grams a day and take in a couple of grams a day extra salt at least for the frist 2 weeks.
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    Forcing yourself to eat foods you don't like just so you can lose weight is a recipe for disaster. Change your eating habits in a way that's sustainable, that you know you can keep up for the long haul (and by that I mean, forever).
  • knlalla
    knlalla Posts: 2 Member
    Got to change your mindset - don't just go on a diet til you lose enough weight (you'll never be able to stay committed if you're only thinking about how long you have until you can go 'back to normal') - also, if you like to eat lots of meat, aim for the healthier meats - fish, chicken, turkey.

    As for staying focused, it helps to have an accountability partner or coach watching what you're doing/eating. Hard to want to overeat when you know someone's going to scold you for it.

    I don't know much about your current diet but if you want more personalized advice, message me - glad to help.
  • IDK if there is a way to trick your brain necessarily but I would start by eating what you are now and slowly adding in other things like spinach or vegetables. At first you may not like them but over time your taste buds do change. I have always been an extremely picky eater and it took me a while to get used to eating things I don't like, and over time I learned to like some of them. If you make changes too drastically you may end up giving up all together. Think of it in the long haul, baby steps to start and work your way to where you want to be. Also find something you like to do for exercise, doesn't even have to be strenuous like a walk or gentle swim. Sometimes when I am tempted to eat something I know I shouldn't it helps to remember the exercise I have done and I will think more it worth it? Hope this helps and good luck. You can do it for sure, just don't be hard on yourself if you can't change all at once. Remember we are all here for you.
  • Thanks for info guys and all the quick replies I appreciate it. I am bad to eat when bored and I can put the soda away I think that's my main problem. As for a partner or coach my family is not very supportive of me losing weight as they say I'd look bad if I lost weight. But I'm determined. I'm not fat as to say I have a lot of muscle mass. My legs and thighs are fine and my face is thin. My main goal is my stomach I have a belly and I don't like that fact. Sounds like I need to cut out sweets and pop a lot. Sounds like I need to eat more grilled chicken and meats that are better for me and try to incorporate some veggies a little. Any advice on some physical activities that may help with weight loss in stomach area would be great. And again thanks for replies and advice
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Eat what you want. Log it. Eat within your calorie goal. Don't make an unrealistic calorie goal (instead choose "I want to lose 1 pound per week" instead of 2 pounds). You don't have to work out if you don't want to, if you can stay within your calorie goal. If you find you go over too often, then try to make some lower calorie substitutions (this doesn't have to mean salad or low fat).
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    You can't spot reduce with weight loss - just eat less and your body will shrink where it wants to :)

    Don't cut out sweets entirely - if you do, you may find yourself buying a big candy bar or two and inhaling them. Incorporate them into your daily calorie allowance.

    I would agree on cutting back on soda. If you have one a day, maybe not, but if you're a person drinking 3-4 or more, those calories add up and could be better used on food while you try to lose weight. Four sodas could be 680 calories - you can make a pretty decent meal with those calories. That's assuming you're not drinking diet soda, of course.

    You don't have to cut out other meats, either, but evaluate your portions and see if they fit in your calorie allowance. If they do, awesome, and keep on going. If not, adjust accordingly - have chicken sometimes but go for the burger if you want it or have a smaller portion. Eat a smaller breakfast, smaller snack, etc, so you have the calories for it.

    What you might find beneficial is to keep eating like you are right now and log everything so you get a picture of your current habits. Then, start cutting back on portions or switching out a soda for a glass of water. If you tend to snack while watching TV, popcorn can be a good snack or some veggies - they're pretty low cal for how much you can eat, plus they'll fill you up for a bit.

    You can do this!

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Woahhhhhh. There are no "bad" foods. Move more and eat less.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    My suggestion is to trick your brain to accept smaller portions of the foods you love. I think this program will help you. Really.
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    I don't know what you mean by "regular diet food." I eat such a wide variety: pork chops, steak, chicken, shrimp, salmon, pasta, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pizza, etc, in addition to fruits, salads, cooked veggies. I had a Dunkin Donuts breakfast sandwich today. Last week, I had an Arby's sandwich (with a side salad). Another day, I had a McDonald's burger with a small fries. I balance it by eating healthy home cooked dinners each weeknight. And I don't drink soda. I'd rather eat 100 calories worth of chicken than waste my calories on soda. As for exercise, find something you like. It could be yoga, kickboxing, karate, Tai chi, swimming, tennis, walking, dancing, anything that makes you move.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    What is diet food? I still eat everything I ate before I lost weight. All that matters is that you're eating less than you burn.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I hate diet food. The only low fat thing I consume is milk, because I drink way toooo much of it. Other than that I eat regular food and try and fit them in my calorie allotment.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Just to add to the advice you've already gotten, you don't have to eat "just" a salad. Try to work the veggies into what you already like. So if you would normally have a double cheeseburger, have a single hamburger and some veggies. If you would normally have a big bowl of pasta, make half the pasta and mix in some chopped veggies. If you would normally have a fried egg sandwich for breakfast, fry up that egg with some onions and peppers and throw it into a lower cal tortilla. Put a decent serving of shredded roast chicken into your salad. Mix frozen peas or beans or broccoli into half the mac & cheese you would usually eat. You have the same volume, and you are still eating the foods you are used to, but less calories.

    These are just random ideas, but you hopefully get the idea. It will be a bit easier to work veggies in by having them take the place of some of your high calorie foods while still eating those regular foods, just smaller servings of them

    Not that eating veggies is necessary to lose weight, but they are a great way to "bulk up" a meal while keeping the calories low. Good luck :drinker:
  • runnrchic
    runnrchic Posts: 130 Member
    If you mean "diet foods" as in snackwells cookies and special k puffed air, that stuff would make me nasaus too. Mother nature has provided us with delicious fruits and vegetables that you may not even be aware of. Walk through the produce aisle one day. There's a little more than bagged salad over there.