My age went up, but my weight will be going down!

Hello! I just turned 40, and have finally realized that the weight no longer just comes off like it used to when I was younger! Of course, baby weight from 4 kids doesn't help. My kids are 9 1/2, 7 1/2, almost 3, and 20 months. The last two, while wonderful surprises, were just about back to back pregnancies, and really took a different toll on my body than the first two did.

When I was pregnant with the last one, my husband started using MFP. He lost over 100 lbs in about 8 months, while I was gaining for the baby. I still weigh more than he does, and as much as I joke about it, it really bothers me. Also, I have noticed a decline in my energy, both physical and mental. (This winter in Buffalo didn't help. Snowvember, and then the coldest February in recorded history. Ugh.) My core is weak, my posture stinks, and I have 4 very active kids to keep up with.

We have an elliptical in the basement, but it just doesn't do it for me. I just started Daily Burn, and I'm loving it. I enjoy it, I feel so energized, and today, after doing planks for the first time, I noticed that I sat straighter at work! (But seriously - those planks about killed me! Maybe my core isn't weak. Maybe it's just missing...)

My husband tried to be my accountabilibuddy, but that didn't work. I love him to death, but I just wouldn't listen. Or, he would know I didn't sleep well, and then let me sleep in instead of exercising. So, I am on MFP because I have seen it work, and while I know I only need to be accountable to myself, reporting it on here will help me from shrugging it off.

My goal with each of the kids was to lose the baby weight by the 1st birthday. My new goal is to lose all the baby weight by the youngest's 2nd birthday in August. So, 25lbs in 5 months. Totally doable. And this time, I really feel motivated enough to actually do it!