Harm in huge deficit for mordibly obese?



  • Kida_Adeylne
    Kida_Adeylne Posts: 201 Member
    Zedeff wrote: »
    Lots of people telling you that aggressive goals and deficits are unsustainable. These people are just projecting their own issues onto you. If YOU can maintain an aggressive deficit, then it doesn't matter that they couldn't.
    That would be true, but the OP made a previous thread about binging difficulties on low intake.

    Slow and steady wins the race. :)
  • LavenderLeaves
    LavenderLeaves Posts: 195 Member
    Zedeff wrote: »
    Lots of people telling you that aggressive goals and deficits are unsustainable. These people are just projecting their own issues onto you. If YOU can maintain an aggressive deficit, then it doesn't matter that they couldn't.

    Op also said she has issues with binging. Drastic calorie intakes for someone who has issues with binging can set them up for failure. They aren't projecting anything - they are talking from experience and want OP to be able to have success for the rest of her life, not just a few months right now.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    During my supervised weight loss I was asked not to go below 1200 and to get a minimum protein and fluid intake daily. I still suffered brittle nails from lack of calcium. My compatriots who were not as successful at reaching that goal suffered from hair loss, dry skin, kidney stones, and gall bladder problems.

    I am eating 1650 or more a day and still losing. I think even with extreme weight loss the goal is to eat as much as you can get away with and still lose weight. Exercise helps create that buffer, too.
  • MaryCS62
    MaryCS62 Posts: 266 Member
    I started close to 300 lb, & set for loss of 2 lb/week. Over the first 10 weeks, it actuallly averaged 3.5 lb/week, even though I was eating at the level MFP gave me. When I got down those 35 lbs, to continue @ 2 lb/week loss, I would have had to go to 1240, which was too low for me, so I changed it to 1.5 lb loss / week. It gives me a little more wiggle room. Some days I'm at my goal, sometimes under, but I haven't had too much trouble making the gradual adjustments.
    When you have a lot to lose, it's better to follow the recommendations. If you start @ 1200, you'll have nowhere to go down to. It's easier to start lower than you have been, but not as low as you'll eventually have to go, because you will be able to make a gradual downward adjustment, not as much of a shock to the system.
    A little rambling, but I hope it makes sense.