Anyone else naturally heavy?



  • 6spdeg
    6spdeg Posts: 394 Member
    BMI calculator what a joke.. Im obese dammit!!!!! must lose 50 more pounds
  • alliex
    alliex Posts: 35 Member
    At one point I got down to a uk size 8 at 70kg, most people guess my weight much lower than it actually is so I understand where you're coming from
  • FitCanuckChick
    FitCanuckChick Posts: 240 Member
    To the OP - Do you smoke by any chance? There are certain factors that attribute to side effects of birth control - one of the most serious being blood clots. I had an extremely serious blood clot (in lungs) in my early 20s. I was overweight, on the pill and smoked - it turned out to be an almost deadly combination (I was waaayyy too close to dying). Just thought I would share/and ask that.

    As a result of my blood clot, I was not on the pill for all of my 20s to now (late 30s) and never will be. I was pregnant twice in my life and both were 110% planned (we found it easy). Ya, there were a few "uh ohs", but the pill is only 99.9% accurate too.
  • jaishar1985
    jaishar1985 Posts: 32 Member
    Hey MFPers,

    So I think I am just naturally very heavy. I currently weigh 74kg/163Lbs and my measurements are 32G - 26 - 39 with 24 thighs. Now I know I am not the smallest of girls but I don't think that I should be this heavy. I know muscle weights heavier than fat but I am not that built and have a BF of 24% (last time I checked a month ago) It is a real issue in my life as the doctor refuses me medication because my BMI is too high.

    Does anyone else have this problem or are my bone made of metal and I should sign up for x-men!


    Wow are measurements are pretty much the same and we weight the same also but I'm slightly shorter 5 ft 3. You should definitely change your doctor, mine has never refused me birth control even at my largest.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Hey MFPers,

    So I think I am just naturally very heavy.

    Does anyone else have this problem or are my bone made of metal and I should sign up for x-men!


    Your bones probably weigh about 30 lbs. The rest is "other stuff".

    I don't know why weight is a factor in prescribing birth control. It's not as if heavier women can't get pregnant otherwise doctors could just prescribe cupcakes instead of the pill.
    Because being overweight is a risk factor for strokes and the BC pill has a side effect of causing strokes.

    However, at 163 at her height and especially with her measurements, this is ridiculous.

    For comparison (you can see my photo for a visual idea of these measurements), I'm 40-28-40. And I'm shorter than the OP. (5'3"not 3'3" -- excuse my earlier typo.)
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    With my large body frame, I am never going to be at the "ideal" 138-172 lb. range...would look dead at that weight. That's fine...there's a long way to go before that becomes an issue...

    This is inaccurate and unfortunate thinking.
  • noodlesno
    noodlesno Posts: 113 Member
    I think that the doctor was 'computer say no' ! At the time I did smoke as well which I don't think helped as the BMI and the smoking were two of the 'no' list things (I have since quit!! boom!). You are all right though I do need another doctor. I was really mad at the time but also embarrassed. I now know that this not acceptable.

    As for the heavy, glad to hear that there others out there with bones of lead. It has definitely made me feel better, I thought I was the only one. Bloody BMI turns out that is is a load of crap for a material % of us.
  • He refused me the contraceptive pill. Also I am 167cm tall.

    I don't think I am naturally a big girl that is not what I was implying, I know if I work I will bring down my weight. I am just saying for my size (uk size 12) I seem to weigh a lot more than very one else. I know that if I get into the 'healthy weight' range on the BMI i will be a size 8. That surely can't be right?

    I was going to say you have to take your height into account. I'm 170lbs and usually a size 12, but I'm 6ft tall which is 182 cm I think. Go to somewhere like brook for contraceptives. No need for an appointment and they have given it to me for the last 5 years, even when I was 222lbs.
  • oliviabog
    oliviabog Posts: 101
    I've always been heavy. I believe its muscle and bone. Even when I'm a UK size 10 I'm still heavy. So i just go by clothes size and if i know I'm fit and healthy i don't care about weight. Id rather have good dense bones than get osteoporosis when I'm older.

    Mainly i attribute this to genes playing tennis from the age of 5 right up to professional level. This is why i have problems with gaining too much muscle mass. I have to stick to things which don't bulk me up too much or i start looking like the hulk... :/
  • oliviabog
    oliviabog Posts: 101
    Should say 'genes and playing' etc... ^_^
  • oliviabog
    oliviabog Posts: 101
    Hey MFPers,

    So I think I am just naturally very heavy.

    Does anyone else have this problem or are my bone made of metal and I should sign up for x-men!


    Your bones probably weigh about 30 lbs. The rest is "other stuff".

    I don't know why weight is a factor in prescribing birth control. It's not as if heavier women can't get pregnant otherwise doctors could just prescribe cupcakes instead of the pill.

    If you were a doctor you'd give the coolest prescriptions! Change of proffession?
  • ceciliaiv
    ceciliaiv Posts: 7 Member
    Sounds like you're curvy! But also, you're right, muscle weighs more than fat. I weigh toward the higher end of healthy for my height but to look at me it's not very obvious. A lot of it is naturally putting on muscle pretty easily and having a "medium" frame (and I could also stand to lose 5 pounds). It's easy to tell by looking at your wrists for example. I have slightly larger sized wrists than some friends who are inches taller than me -- they're just small-framed!
  • fooninie
    fooninie Posts: 291 Member
    Hi there!

    Firstly, it is hard to be a woman with a wider (more solid) stature. I can relate. People are always surprised when I tell them my weight. While I do think there are some things we can do to keep our bodies at an ideal weight, I also know that some people are not meant to be less than, say, a size 5.

    I feel your pain. BMI is a VERY flawed calcuation and can only be considered accurate when done in conjuction with a bone/muscle density test under the supervision of a trained professional. Those online BMI calculators are rubbish.

    To conclude, media tends to "pick" what an ideal body "should" look like and ram it down our throats to the point of utter contempt. If you look at art work from earlier centuries, women were voluptuous and lumpy and just as beautiful as anyone today. We all (men and women) come in all shapes and sizes, it's what individualizes us.

    Go easy on yourself, you're BMI is but a number ;)
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    Was it microgynon by any chance? The one that is combined? If so, a lot of doctors restrict it if you're overweight or have one or more health conditions or a family history of health problems ie diabetes, heart conditions. I was on it for three months then taken of it as my father had a heart attack and I was fat. Gutting but they wouldn't do it without reason.
  • bidwell69
    bidwell69 Posts: 10 Member
    I believe people can be naturally heavy as im one of them im 6 feet tall and when I weighed around 190 lb I was told to lose weight by a doctor and I only had a 32 inch waist.

    He failed to spot my naturally wide shoulders and my monster legs.

    I have 3 children also and one of them is built the same way and told to lose weight at medicals.

    Its ironic that if I go to doctors now weighing 250 + pounds they never mention my weight.