Turning my life around, friends aren't being supportive



  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 682 Member
    This is the best place to get motivation and support, because almost everyone on here is going to the same kind of struggles in one way or another. So...add friends on here and read the forums when you are looking for motivation. I have a few threads that I go to every time I need encouragement and motivation. The only support outside of MFP that I have is my Mom and that's because she is trying to lose wait as well. I don't even talk about it to my Friend's anymore. Feel free to add me if you would like. Always looking for new people to help motivate and that can help motivate me. Best of luck on your weight loss Journey :)
  • cassidy_farris
    Is this app any good??

    Yes it's amazing so far !
  • cassidy_farris
    rbn_held wrote: »
    This is the best place to get motivation and support, because almost everyone on here is going to the same kind of struggles in one way or another. So...add friends on here and read the forums when you are looking for motivation. I have a few threads that I go to every time I need encouragement and motivation. The only support outside of MFP that I have is my Mom and that's because she is trying to lose wait as well. I don't even talk about it to my Friend's anymore. Feel free to add me if you would like. Always looking for new people to help motivate and that can help motivate me. Best of luck on your weight loss Journey :)

    Thank you ! This really made me more confident about my weight loss !!!
  • cassidy_farris
    I have lost 10 pounds, it's the first weight I've lost MY WHOLE LIFE, the past 6 years or so I've just been gaining weight, rapidly... & I've FINALLY started to turn my life around... I'm incredibly happy about this, so naturally I try to tell my best friends about it and all they do is pretend they don't hear me , tell me I'm fine the way I am, or simply say "cool" and change the subject... I'm not expecting them to want to talk about me for 2 hours but they don't support me at all, if I'm struggling, or about to cheat they literally encourage it !!!!! Any advice ????

    Ten pounds is wonderful, that is an accomplishment. Congrats! My advice to you about your friends is for you to find new friends if they are that uninterested in you.These are major red flags. People that are only there for you when you have problems and are not there for you when you are having good things happen to you are toxic. If they feed off of your misery and don't want happiness for you, RUN in the other direction and distance yourself from them. You can find better people to be around. What will happen to you, from my own experience, is they want you to fail and not be happy so they can feel better about themselves. You don't even realize that's what is happening until you get away from that crowd. Consider it a blessing that you realize this now so you will not waste anymore of this short life on toxic people. Good Luck!

    Thank you so much ! I am trying to stay away from them as much as possible... This reply definitely boost my confidence (:
  • cassidy_farris
    How often do you talk about your weight struggles with them? My husband has similar responses to your friends. I think it's because he's heard me talk about getting my act together so much over the last few years that he doesn't really believe it anymore. It will take at least 20 lbs probably to make him understand that it's going to stick this time.

    Never actually only once, when I lost the ten pounds ! And they just didn't want to here it, I just discovered this community and blog, so I'm sure it will help me, thank you for the advice !!!!