At what point does it end - or doesn't it?



  • arussell134
    arussell134 Posts: 463 Member
    I've been in maintenance for a little over 3 months now. I don't log every day, but I do log some days. I weigh myself every day (it's what works for me) to keep a general eye on what's happening. I'm now in the process of dropping a few more pounds to achieve a good "racing weight" (I'm a runner, trying to do so competitively!).

    Personally, I don't trust myself. At least, not yet anyways. I've been yo-yoing and gaining off and on for years, and I feel for the indefinite future, I do need the structure. What brings balance for me is not logging every day, but maybe 2-3 days a week. Maybe you could strike a balance like that somehow? Keeping an eye on what you're doing, but not as much as you are now? And then set some guidelines for yourself (e.g., if the scale goes up 5/10 pounds, I will go back to daily logging and eating at a deficit).

  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited March 2015
    I'd love to not log but I feel I still need to, even after 3 years and 1 of those years being at maintenance.. I just don't trust myself :neutral_face: For me its just too easy to eat over my calories and I am just not going back to being the fat friend/sister ever again!

    Weekly weigh ins for me have to be a must as its all too easy to ignore gains, I have gained a few pounds recently at maintenance yet in my head I feel my body looks the same and my clothes aren't fitting any different - but the scale doesn't lie.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I reached my goal weight just about 3 years ago (March 25th!) and I'm still at that weight. I have been on and off with logging during maintenance, although I come back when I start to feel myself slip. I hardly focus at all on calories anymore and kind of switch the focus to fuelling properly for workouts/training and eat when hungry, stop when not. Also, it's kind of impossible to not keep an estimated mental tally of cals through the day, you know? I still cook a lot of the same things I made when I was losing so the actual content of my diet hasn't changed much. It took me a while to figure out how I was going to maintain though. You have the right mindset which really is the most important part!
  • tammylee57
    tammylee57 Posts: 16 Member
    I see no reason to stop logging. Maintenance does not mean we are "finished". It means we are still restricting calories to whatever number it is .... Forever..... To maintain the weight you are. Why would it be a good time to
    Stop? I think it's the best time to continue. It is too easy to feel " I have arrived ".... ( new clothes, new size, new you).... And to believe it's "over". Studies say great majority people gain weight back .... I would imagine it's during maintenance that begins. I think calorie counting is forever. I like knowing how many calories I can have .... Takes anxiety away for me
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I like logging and the data it provides. I have it down now to where I can pretty much pre log my day in five minutes. Plus, i have some awesome peeps on my friends list who provide awesome information and feedback about lifting and intake ….

    MFP 4 life!

    Yep. This. I've been maintaining for almost 6 months now.
  • jane837
    jane837 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm planning to log forever, but like a lot of other folks, I enjoy it!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    edited March 2015
    Logging makes me less obsessive and usually makes me eat MORE, not less. I had good habits before I lost weight, and just ate a little too much as my metabolism slowed down. So it wasn't hard for me to lose. I don't have big food or body issues. That's certainly true for anyone. That said . . .

    When I log, I know I'm on track and don't have to think about it. Now, if I don't log, I tend to be cautious about what I'm eating and often find I undereat. Usually logging tells me I've got enough calories left to eat naturally and follow my appetite. And I like logging - I find it interesting intellectually.

    If you don't log, weigh yourself frequently and adjust.

    Personally I think obsessiveness is just a personality trait. You're going to do it or not, it doesn't matter whether you log or weigh or do something else.
  • lauracups
    lauracups Posts: 533 Member
    Obsessive or not...I will always log. I became obese by being in denial over the amount I was eating, this keeps me aware. Sometimes it's okay to have a crutch if it got you over the finished line then it anchors you there.
  • Lovefastball99
    Lovefastball99 Posts: 53 Member
    edited March 2015
    This is an excellent question. I've been the same weight */- 5 lbs for ages. Years really. I go through phases of cutting to be seriously lean. Or times, sadly, when I skip working out for 2 months. Luckily, I've got a good foundation on basic clean eating. I know people here bash clean eating because well, if it's not clean... It must be DIRTY! But seriously, if I go through a lazy spell (usually in the winter) and I don't workout... I can't be eating donuts and cake and such. But when I come out of hibernation and life starts blooming around and I'm out and about and I KNOW I'm about to sport a bikini, sh** gets real and I focus.

    Not going to sugar coat my lifestyle... I drink fairly regularly. From a glass of wine a few nights a week to 2 nights of social gatherings that are 6-8 hours of chatting and drinking. That's A LOT of calories. And that is truly, the only reason I use MFP. To see how many of my calories are blown up in smoke by drinking them. Eh. Not exactly the model of health but it's life. I enjoy my nights out. I LOVE my time with friends playing games and cutting up. And 99 % of the time that includes alcohol. So I account for it. And I pay the piper some days.

    Some people are on a journey to lose weight. I'm on a maintence basis. I love my life. I love my body. I answer to no one. Except my jeans. They tell me if I've done wrong.
  • ryanhorn
    ryanhorn Posts: 355 Member
    edited March 2015
    Some people may stay on MFP forever, and that's totally fine, but I don't really want to do that as I feel I could become obsessed with calorie counting like I have done previously. I'm 1lb off my goal weight (which realistically I don't think I'll get to - so I'm going to try and maintain it now instead), and after two years of calorie counting I'm pretty familiar with what food items I regularly consist of calorie/fat/carb wise, but is there a particular mind set I should get myself into so I can lay off the counting but remain at this weight.

    Anyone know what I mean/do that themselves?

    I'm going to take the opposite side of most people in this thread, and I'll begin by saying that everyone is different. Some people intend on logging forever, but I didn't want to be that person that was entering food in my phone during meals for the rest of my life. People have been staying skinny for hundreds of years without logging or worrying about calories, and I wanted to do it too.

    As someone weaning off of logging after logging for two years straight, the hardest part I've learned is listening to your body. For the past two years, I've been so concerned with calorie counts/timing/hitting macros that I've forgotten what it feels like to be hungry, what it feels like to be comfortably full, and what it feels like to enjoy food honestly. I've actually found that I've been eating less now since I stopped logging several weeks ago. My biggest suggestion would be picking up the book "Intuitive Eating." There's lots of awesome tips and tricks in there to help you maintain your weight without the stress/worry that the numbers will bring you.

    Also the feeling of nurturing your body when it's hungry and taking care of it instead of fighting it constantly by tracking is kind of nice.

    Also, another big piece of advice is don't be scared! You'll see on the scale and on your body if you go too far in one direction or the other. You're not going to go back to your original weight by letting go of logging with all the new skills and attitudes you've learned.

    I wish you success if you choose to stop logging, and enjoy the freedom that it brings :)
  • ryanhorn
    ryanhorn Posts: 355 Member
    This is an excellent question. I've been the same weight */- 5 lbs for ages. Years really. I go through phases of cutting to be seriously lean. Or times, sadly, when I skip working out for 2 months. Luckily, I've got a good foundation on basic clean eating. I know people here bash clean eating because well, if it's not clean... It must be DIRTY! But seriously, if I go through a lazy spell (usually in the winter) and I don't workout... I can't be eating donuts and cake and such. But when I come out of hibernation and life starts blooming around and I'm out and about and I KNOW I'm about to sport a bikini, *kitten* gets real and I focus.

    Not going to sugar coat my lifestyle... I drink fairly regularly. From a glass of wine a few nights a week to 2 nights of social gatherings that are 6-8 hours of chatting and drinking. That's A LOT of calories. And that is truly, the only reason I use MFP. To see how many of my calories are blown up in smoke by drinking them. Eh. Not exactly the model of health but it's life. I enjoy my nights out. I LOVE my time with friends playing games and cutting up. And 99 % of the time that includes alcohol. So I account for it. And I pay the piper some days.

    Some people are on a journey to lose weight. I'm on a maintence basis. I love my life. I love my body. I answer to no one. Except my jeans. They tell me if I've done wrong.

    Even though I'm trying to let go of logging, I still find myself logging whenever the day has alcohol involved because you're right, it adds up.
  • paradi3s
    paradi3s Posts: 343 Member
    For me, I don't think it would end. I find the whole counting calories thing really fun and informative. And that way, I know I won't lose or gain any more than I need to. :-)
  • katiejanecollins
    katiejanecollins Posts: 236 Member
    Thanks guys, I really appreciate all your comments :) I guess it varies for everyone. I plan to stay logging for the next few months at least, and I'll see where I go from there!
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    I am addicted to the community and logging is just a by-product of checking in with the progress of my 'friends'.
    What worked for me was to give myself a 5lb window (which for me is about where I notice my pants start to fit differently...not in a good way).
    I have definitely been guilty of letting things slip but it wasn't just that I stopped logging, I stopped weighing myself, stopped being as serious with my workouts etc.....logging keeps you accountable..having there in black and white makes you pay attention.
    Not sure I'll ever be 'free'...good luck
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Some people may stay on MFP forever, and that's totally fine, but I don't really want to do that as I feel I could become obsessed with calorie counting like I have done previously. I'm 1lb off my goal weight (which realistically I don't think I'll get to - so I'm going to try and maintain it now instead), and after two years of calorie counting I'm pretty familiar with what food items I regularly consist of calorie/fat/carb wise, but is there a particular mind set I should get myself into so I can lay off the counting but remain at this weight.

    Anyone know what I mean/do that themselves?

    Katie you have done a great job. As you state counting helps us become aware of the calories in different foods and how many we are consuming so as to educate us on what and how much of it to eat.

    I was a carb abuser and enjoyed the heck out of them for 40+ years but paid a health cost. Now at 64 I realize second chances are hard to come by and eating right foods in the right amounts to have the best health for my remain years should be my goal. That mindset helps me.

    Everyone is different so getting advice from others often can be counter productive. Key is getting to know our bodies and how different foods impact them in a good or bad way.

    I just wish I had understood this when I was 24 or even 44 what I now know and 'understand' at 64.

    Keep applying what you have learned about eating and the weight will take care of itself most often. I weigh every day so that is my way of counting now because if my weight increases it is a red flag I am perhaps eating the wrong kind of food that will permit me to eat all I need to stay full without gaining weight.

    You know you can lose weight now. Yes maintaining weight is harder than losing weight but if one can learn to lose weight one can master maintenance eating as well. :) Keep up the good work.
  • juliedee20
    juliedee20 Posts: 44 Member
    That's a good question! I like the accountability of logging and keeping my diary open, or rather, I need the accountability! It forces me to make better choices. I guess if I ever get to the point where I eat only healthy foods and maintain portion control naturally I won't need to log, but I don't see that day ever coming about. ;)
  • ntinkham88
    ntinkham88 Posts: 130 Member
    After awhile you can probably just estimate how much you're taking in. As long as you're eating healthy, eating when you're hungry, and not over eating you should be just fine. I know I can get obsessive over calorie counting and that's really no way to live! You'll just drive yourself insane.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    with so many people gaining their weight back, I know I am not special snowflake, I will always have to be cautious logging those calories, I guess a small price for not gaining the weight back. I feel like I could easily gain the weight back if I don't stay on top of it.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    If I didn't count, I'd have to limit my treats because I wouldn't know if they fit or not... so you bet I'm going to keep counting.
  • Lovefastball99
    Lovefastball99 Posts: 53 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    If I didn't count, I'd have to limit my treats because I wouldn't know if they fit or not... so you bet I'm going to keep counting.

    This is exactly why I do it. Whether my treat is cheesecake or a night out with the girls... I want to be able to do it/eat it etc