cannot believe i did this



  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    You're human. Log it (or not), and move on.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    This is why I think some of you get too obssessed and close to your diets. All hat stress is no ood. It was food, you ate it, so unless you are going to barf it up(not recommended) then just chill and move on. What I always find bemusing about these threads is that the overeater makes themself feel miserable instead of at least enjoying the food. Crazy and out of proportion. You cna earn all those calories back if you have to from 2 decent gym sessions, otherwise carry on as normal.
  • favoritenut
    favoritenut Posts: 217 Member
    the reason why I posted this, is because maybe if I admit it and not be a "closet" eater it will help me realize that I do this much too often. I'm trying to get better and I have, but today I failed. I wasn't trying to whine about it, or anything like that, I just wanted to admit that I have a problem with food, and I caved today, and hearing other people out there with their support and tough love is great! and yes I do obsess with food, if I didn't, I'd weigh 600lbs and be on that reality show....
  • Allterrain_Lady
    Allterrain_Lady Posts: 421 Member
    First do not make yourself throw up. EVER. It's one of the worst thing you could do to your body AND mind.
    I fully agree with what's been said above. Log it and move on. You don't have to wait for tomorrow to do better. Your next decision TODAY will be a good one. Plenty of water to help your digestion and sensible lunch and dinner with veggies and low fat protein.
    Yes, I said it, eat lunch and dinner. If you can fit in a workout, it would be great for your emotions.
    Most of all, try to recognize why you ate four of those stuff. It's never only because they're there and tasty.
    Once you acknowledge your own triggers, it gets easier to overcome them.
  • sheldonklein
    sheldonklein Posts: 854 Member
    edited March 2015
    This is science, from a Google Scholar search. This is a summary of a peer-reviewed research paper.

    Intense Sweetness Surpasses Cocaine Reward

    From the conclusion (bold italics added by me):

    "Our findings clearly demonstrate that intense sweetness can surpass cocaine reward, even in drug-sensitized and -addicted individuals. We speculate that the addictive potential of intense sweetness results from an inborn hypersensitivity to sweet tastants. In most mammals, including rats and humans, sweet receptors evolved in ancestral environments poor in sugars and are thus not adapted to high concentrations of sweet tastants. The supranormal stimulation of these receptors by sugar-rich diets, such as those now widely available in modern societies, would generate a supranormal reward signal in the brain, with the potential to override self-control mechanisms and thus to lead to addiction.

    You might have bolded "we speculate"