30 Day Shred - Level 2

Just completed my first ever Level 2 workout on this DVD - oh. my. gawd. I am lying on my living room floor totally KO'd!!! I mean, hey, I did it! That's a success in itself...but I actually cannot move now lol. Does it get any easier???


  • DaneanP
    DaneanP Posts: 433 Member
    No. :| I actually think Level 3 is easier than Level 2. I hate planks with a passion because they make my wrists hurt. Level 2 is full of em.
  • CountryOutback
    Hi Pixie- Is this the Chris Powell DVD?
  • anachronicles
    anachronicles Posts: 109 Member
    I thought that it did get easier :) I noticed my endurance improve really rapidly with the thirty day shred so every workout was a little easier than the last. You probably just hurt now because you worked some new muscles, they'll get used to it!

    Week 2 killed me the first time I did it too, but after a while I would do the week 2 and week 1 videos back-to-back
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Yes, it gets easier, just stick with it. I thought it was so hard the first time, and then it was my favorite for a while. I think level 3 is harder because of the jump training.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Yup it does. Give it three days. Just so you have something to look forward to....Level 3 is the killer :p