First love to stay on track?

My boyfriend of roughly six years told me yesterday he's not in love with me anymore. I was completely crushed and fled the scene. I am 25 years old and we met freshman year of college. He is the only person I have ever loved. We have been living together for three years. He bought us a dog two years ago after we each had to put down our childhood pets; that dog is like our kid and I am devastated that I won't be able to see him anymore. I told my ex I would move out. Now I have no boyfriend, no dog and nowhere to live.

I'm really worried I will fall off track with my weight loss. I need advice. Badly.


  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    There is no better way to stick it to an ex then to succeed. Pour yourself in to self improvement. It will help keep your mind occupied so you won't have to dwell on it. This is a tried and true system that has helped me with several of my own breakups. I have a degree now and a better job and I can juggle. I guess in a way I should thank them. Well anyways it worked for me so maybe it can help you too.
  • Shelby1582
    Shelby1582 Posts: 191 Member
    I'm so sorry hon!!! Screw him, don't let him get you off track. The best revenge is going to be running into him down the road when you look awesome and fit and he'll be eating his heart out.
    Also working out is a great way to make yourself feel better and get those endorphins flowing.
  • lilbrowngirl
    lilbrowngirl Posts: 35 Member
    It's going to be hard however be kind to yourself. You might fall off track for a day or two maybe even a month but know that it's normal and that the most important thing is to get back up and keep going. My bf and me just broke up over a month and a half ago after almost 4 years together. I'm finally really getting back into the groove of eating healthy and working out.

    You can do this! Some days will be better than others and some are going to be miserable. Just try and keep moving forward. Even if it's going for a walk or making sure you get some veggies in - do at least one nice thing for yourself each day. It may be hard but you can do this :)
  • Michaelsdin
    Michaelsdin Posts: 146
    To stay on track think about all the ways you are going to make him jealous. You will find love again plenty of fish in the sea. Just keep at it MFPers are here to help you can get emotional on us some will give you snide remarks but most will encourage you.
  • hannahpistolas
    hannahpistolas Posts: 290 Member
    Screw that! Use it as motivation!
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    There is no better way to stick it to an ex then to succeed. Pour yourself in to self improvement. It will help keep your mind occupied so you won't have to dwell on it. This is a tried and true system that has helped me with several of my own breakups. I have a degree now and a better job and I can juggle. I guess in a way I should thank them. Well anyways it worked for me so maybe it can help you too.

    ^^^^^^Exactly this. A :flowerforyou: for the poster.

    Breakups suck. Especially when you someone does a complete 180 on you. But, if you take this posters advice, and if you stick to a program you like, one day you will wake up feeling more like yourself than ever and you'll be grateful for the major improvements you've made in your life.
  • thistimewillbedifferent
    I'm so sorry that happened to you! I agree with the above poster who suggested pouring your energy into self-improvement, as well as the poster who said not to be too hard on yourself if you do slip up. When you're feeling sad or angry, try to do something positive like exercise or get a massage instead of making poor food choices. Try to focus each morning on what you're grateful for in your life, and each evening think of one good thing that happened during the day, no matter how little. Reach out to your friends (both on and off line) and tell them when you need a little extra support. And remember, no matter how far off the path you go, the path will always be there waiting for you to come back to it. Big hugs!
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    Been there... but I was at my goal weight when it happened. Then, in addition to the breakup I also went through major health problems (2 surgeries, months of treatments, countless meds and hospital stays, etc) and ended up gaining about 50 pounds.... all because I let it "get to me."

    Stay strong. hold your head high. and stick it to the man. Be the best you can be... for YOU. not for him. or for anyone else. Give yourself some time to heal, love yourself, and keep on keeping on.