Cheat day?



  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    My whole weightloss has just about been one long cheat day, it's just being smarter about eating calories. I still eat Chipotle a couple of times per week, although most other fast food has been cut, and I go out to dinner often as well.

    However, if I'm having soda, it's always diet/zero calorie soda, and I eat smaller portions, or make different choices. Either that, or I eat a small breakfast/lunch, and then a large one for dinner if I'm going out.
  • lcooper327
    lcooper327 Posts: 112 Member
    I wasn't saying that they are unhealthy. She just made it seem like she was struggling to eat them but doing it because it's healthy. It's not like forcing down some veggies but getting some nutrients out of it. There are no nutrients in bagels. I wasn't saying not to eat them if you like them and they fit. I was just saying eating them because you think they are healthy is not a good reason because they are pretty much empty calories (Unless you need a bunch of carbs for the day I guess)
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    My whole weightloss has just about been one long cheat day, it's just being smarter about eating calories. I still eat Chipotle a couple of times per week, although most other fast food has been cut, and I go out to dinner often as well.

    However, if I'm having soda, it's always diet/zero calorie soda, and I eat smaller portions, or make different choices. Either that, or I eat a small breakfast/lunch, and then a large one for dinner if I'm going out.

    me too.... its not brain surgery....
  • alishadunham94
    alishadunham94 Posts: 26 Member
    Well I don't eat bagels all the time usually that's just what I eat for breakfast with like some yogurt and almond milk just because there aren't too many calories in today I haven't ate anything yet because I want to go to dinner with my friend and I guess you could say it's just a "cheat meal" not really doing it for the whole day...thanks from everyone...Except some people made post and there is like this weird gray thing like bars and a key lock covering some of the post idk why...and if someone flagged this I don't understand either I just wanted to ask a question and get some advice and not have a harsh conversation with to those of you being nice about it thank you...and to the others please don't say anything mean this is supposed to be a friendly community to chat with others and help everyone reach their goals...and for some like me this is the only place I can really get support
  • franola12
    franola12 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm a firm believer in cheat days! Have fun once in a while.
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    You can eat whatever you want as long as you fit it into your calories. I go out to eat every weekend. I just stick to my calorie count. There's no reason for you to be on a restrictive diet plan. If you can fit cheddar and bacon stuffed filet with mashed potatoes into your calories, go for it. I do. I have 65 lbs off.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Should I be worried or is it ok to have that one meal?

    The only way to know for sure is to work out your calories and see. It's very possible to wipe out a week's worth of deficits with one non-outrageous meal out - logging your food and getting calorie counts for the cheat meal will tell you if that's the case.
  • alishadunham94
    alishadunham94 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks everyone I actually ate just that one meal today because I knew I would be eating dinner somewhere so I sorta waited it out and of course hit the gym a few hours after so I think it's going to be ok
  • dalem48
    dalem48 Posts: 86 Member
    i don't have cheat meals or days. i eat what i want, as long as it fits within my daily goals.

  • chaitrex
    chaitrex Posts: 94 Member
    I eat out all the time. I order in all the time. I don't think that eating in a restaurant instantly makes a meal bad...mmmm sushi, mmmm roasted chicken, mmmm pho (well the sodium in pho is messed up, but whatever.) My boyfriend and I love cooking, but we both work crazy hours and sometimes it's just not worth screwing up a poached fish recipe because you're exhausted.
    Go out, have a drink, try to pick something unoffensive to your body off the menu.
    I know there's no way to accurately log that food. Usually I just try to stick to vegetables and lean protein when I'm eating out and not to overeat. By all means have a drink, as long as you don't get drunk munchies-just don't start knocking back white russians and logging them as skim milk.
    I decided this time around that I would not be a miserable, restrictive mess while dieting, even if it takes longer for the weight to come off. When my main focus in life is weight loss, yeesh, I get depressed pretty fast.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    I don't have cheat days, but I eat chocolate every day and go out to eat usually 1-3 times a week. I focus on weekly calorie goal not daily, and because I know I'm more likely to go out to eat/want to eat a bit more on the weekend I always eat a little less during the week (1500 instead of 1700) so I can eat a lot more on the weekends ( have certainly had days up to 2800 cals), yet I still eat within my weekly cal goal. Zero guilt.
  • BeginnersBootcamp
    BeginnersBootcamp Posts: 90 Member
    One meal won't make you "fat" just like one meal won't make you "skinny" !!! Enjoy it
  • yhealthy2000
    yhealthy2000 Posts: 111 Member
    Have your cheat meal, once a week. But make sure you workout really hard! Life is about enjoying too!!
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Cheating implies you're getting away with something, so I don't think anyone can really cheat their diet. What they eat is what they eat and those calories add up. What you can do, is eat less calories than you can on 6 days a week and make up for it on the 7th. I plan on doing this to survive Easter. We're going to a brunch at a fancy hotel and I'm definitely plan on eating a LOT, but each an every one of those calories will count, so I'll be increasing my calorie deficit from 500 to 1000 each day for a week leading up to it and for as long as I need to after it to balance it out.
  • alishadunham94
    alishadunham94 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks everyone for the responses:) good to get feedback
  • WeddedBliss1992
    WeddedBliss1992 Posts: 414 Member
    my brother is a personal trainer and teaches pilates. he is probably the healthiest and "in-shape" person i know. once per month, he will go on a binge and eat anything and everything in sight. he LOVES chili dogs! every other day of the month, he follows a very strict eating regime of fruit, veggies, lean means and whole grains. he is very easily able to stick to his healthy eating b/c he looks forward to that one day when he can eat anything. he usually makes that day a sunday when he isn't working, unless there is a wedding in the family or some other such event where he can plan his "cheat day" to fall on that date. i haven't lost enough weight yet to try this, but i will definitely be doing it once i have lost about half my weight toward my goal.
  • WeddedBliss1992
    WeddedBliss1992 Posts: 414 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    Should I be worried or is it ok to have that one meal?

    The only way to know for sure is to work out your calories and see. It's very possible to wipe out a week's worth of deficits with one non-outrageous meal out - logging your food and getting calorie counts for the cheat meal will tell you if that's the case.

    this is me. i feel very certain that i could easily wipe-out my week's work with a single day of eating. LOL sad! :'(