I'm new

lost 40 pounds after breast cancer. Would like to get down to 170 lbs. keep loosing and gaining the same stupid 5 lbs. weigh 181.9 this am. Help!


  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    Welcome! MFP will hopefully be a much better way to lose weight than breast cancer! BUT...how nice to come out of that horrible experience lighter! Those close to me that have gone through it have come out heavier from the steroids...not that it matters at all when you are in that fight!

    Are you using MFP to track your calories? It totally helps, also weighing your food and being sure that you are really eating what you think you are. Weighing has given all of us some surprises...both good and bad!

    I've lost 16 lbs since 1/3 and currently am at 184...would like to get under 180 by the end of March but that might be aggressive at this point!