So hungry



  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    sirion2 wrote: »
    Everything is so confusing. Gah!! Thanks. I think I'll up the calories by 100 right after I hit my goal weight. Two more pounds to go!

    Lot of suggestions/advice going on here, but you wave them all away.

    I think you just have to deal with some hunger till you can eat or when it it is time for you to eat.
    You wont die in the meantime anyway.

  • sirion2
    sirion2 Posts: 50 Member
    edited March 2015
    I haven't waved anything away! I boiled some eggs and will try that. I bought some chicken today and some green leafy veggies. I agree I need to up the protein--just trying to figure out how!! And the dietary guidelines are confusing, IMO. I eat very few processed foods and added sugar already. I made a huge pot of channa masala (chick peas) for tonight and to eat all week. I'm a work in progress and really appreciate the advice a lot.
  • sirion2
    sirion2 Posts: 50 Member
    I spent the week trying to increase protein and I went over my calories a few days. It's Sunday night and I am so hungry, even after hitting my protein and going over my fat goals. I drank some water and am done eating for the day, but this is challenging. I've been losing weight, and I am only 1-2 pounds from my goal, so maybe upping the overall calories is in order.
  • betuel75
    betuel75 Posts: 776 Member
    eat less peanut butter and nuts as you get a little for a lot of calories. Try vegetables instead. You can eat more and feel fuller without a lot of caloires.
  • fnoblebrown
    fnoblebrown Posts: 61 Member
    When people ask me how I lose weight without being hungry all the time...

  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    What I don't understand is why it's even an issue if you are that close to goal. It's almost zero lbs to go. You can go up and down that much from eating something salty one night, it being that time of month, not doing a number too that day in the toilet.. lots of reasons. Please stop stressing over nothing. You've done great. Be happy as you are and go extra slow for this last little bit.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Ok the guys above are playing silly buggers but I think they are right and you can eat more calories easily. Work out your TDEE and only take a couple of hundred or so off till you are happy.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,138 Member
    edited March 2015
    First of all: if you are losing faster than expected and you've been at it for a few weeks, increase your calories. MFP is an estimate. Maybe you should be eating more of your exercise calories back.

    What's the worse case scenario? If you stop losing for a few days then you can always lower your calories again! If you track well you can always adjust.

    And if you are hungry enough to post about it ask yourself what your goal is here.

    Are you going to get to your target weight and stop "dieting", then proceed to eat at your hunger level till you gain it all back? Me-thinks you should be using this "journey" time to tweak this eating thing a bit more!

    Secondly nuts etc are wonderful and healthy but they don't add bulk : - )

    Make yourself a nice (relatively low salt) soup. Onions, chicken, carrots, zucchini, celery, parsnips or whatever else is out there and chicken or lean beef or even fish if you need a lower fat, lower calorie choice. if you have room in your calories even sweet potatoes or potatoes or rice. Heck you can have cups of soup and not crack 1500 calories!

    Have you tried high protein plain yogurt? You can cut up an apple in it to make a quite filling, high protein, lowish cal snack.

    I only looked at three days but saw lots of carbs. Not a heck of a lot of protein : - )
  • sirion2
    sirion2 Posts: 50 Member
    Thank you all for the support. I'm not really trying to lose weight so much as I am trying to fine-tune my diet. I had gotten into some bad habits after I started a new and stressful job last August. My stats are:

    5'3" and small-boned
    CW: 111
    GW: 110 (BMI 19.5)

    MFP is giving me 1360 calories a day right now, and I don't think it's enough. I agree I still need to work on upping my protein. It's a challenge for me because I'm not much of a meat-lover. Am going to try some tuna fish or chicken with my lunch salad.

    I also appreciate the idea of adding bulk instead of dense foods like nuts.

    My goals are to eat a healthy diet with lots of veggies and low in saturated fat since I am prone to high cholesterol. I guess the research is unclear about all the dietary fat component, so I'm trying to do the best I can. What I mean is that I don't want to add protein and a bunch of saturated fat if I can help it. I'm looking for that balance of food I can eat without being hungry and meeting my nutritional needs.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    from what I have learned you have a weight range not a specific weight . you can get down to 110 but your weight is going to have normal fluctuations so one day you may weigh 113 or more,others you may weigh exactly 110.protein is needed to keep lean muscle mass(someone correct me if Im wrong).

    fats in food from what I have researched do not cause high cholesterol, your body either produces too much(like mine),the right amount ,or for some little to none at all. even vegans and vegetarians can have high cholesterol. I would say just eat a healthy diet like you plan just make sure to get enough healthy fats and protein. as well as carbs if you can have carbs.If you dont think 1350 is enough then up it by 100 or so and go from there.