storing tomatoes

I always used to store my tomatoes in the fridge until someone told me to leave them on the counter because they will taste better. Now however they are going bad too fast and getting mushy when I try to slice. They don't last 4 days at home. I don't know if I should put them back in the fridge or just try to buy greener tomatoes. I only shop on Saturdays


  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    Either buy less ripe tomatos or keep them in the fridge if you haven't had issues before. Some say the taste changes however I have never noticed a difference. We don't eat a lot of tomatos and like you I find them going bad far too quickly when left out.
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 674 Member
    Buy tomatoes as you need them. Refrigerated tomatoes get all mealy, and do lose flavor.
  • djshari
    djshari Posts: 513 Member
    I never notice a difference from keeping them in the fridge so kinda depends on which is more important for you. I need mine to last a little longer so I put them in the fridge. If I know I am going to eat them fairly soon I may leave them on the counter.