Grocery list/meal plan

nairod12 Posts: 16 Member
i need help making a grocery list and coming up with a meal plan. I never know what to buy or cook. Or I tend buy things and I end up not liking it, or liking it too much.Im honestly a picky eater, so that makes it hard too. Anyone willing to help me get started :)... Btw im on a college student budget i'd prefer under 100


  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
    Apply for SNAPS. That usually helps.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Look at your current diet (pre-weight loss) and see, what do you usually consume? You can generally eat almost exactly the same things you eat now and lose weight if you edit the portions or do a few tricks like cooking with less fat or bulking up a meal with some of the cheaper vegetables you happen to like. No need for a drastic overhaul or doing a complete 180 on the foods you eat.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I eat all the same things I have always loved and added new things too. I just weigh out my portions and add in lots more veggies. I second the notion that it is not necessary to completely change your eating.
  • nairod12
    nairod12 Posts: 16 Member
    Apply for SNAPS. That usually helps.

    What is snap?
  • nairod12
    nairod12 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks you all!
  • Ohwhynot
    Ohwhynot Posts: 356 Member
    what do you like? We could suggest lots of things, but none of it will help if you don't like it. :)
  • nairod12
    nairod12 Posts: 16 Member
    Lol. Well I will eat anything except oatmeal, eggs, Brussels, celery, carrots, bell peppers.
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    edited March 2015
    Im looking at online meal plans, cause well..I suck at it. Ive tried for *months* now to plan meals and shop for them, but I always end up with tons of leftover food I cant make a whole other meal out of, or spending a ton of money just to be able to make a weeks worth of meals. I just dont have a knack for it.

    So yeah, I discovered online meal planning tools, where you chose what type of diet you have (as in gluten free, vegetarian, etc etc) and it will lay out a plan of meals, with reciepies and a shopping list. I just did a week of, which was okay...the meals a bit too simple for me, but if someone doesnt much like to cook, it would be a good one. Also, it used too many packaged, canned foods for my tastes.

    For this upcoming week, Im trying out to see how that goes, since it uses all fresh ingredients and the meals look more interesting for me to cook as well.

    BTW, my grocery budget for 2 people (myself and my 18yo daughter) is $200. So personally speaking, your budget is totally doable for one person.
  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
    You don't know what food stamps is ?
  • nairod12
    nairod12 Posts: 16 Member
    I do know what food stamps are, didn't know it was also called snaps. Thanks
  • nairod12
    nairod12 Posts: 16 Member
    Dragn77 wrote: »
    Im looking at online meal plans, cause well..I suck at it. Ive tried for *months* now to plan meals and shop for them, but I always end up with tons of leftover food I cant make a whole other meal out of, or spending a ton of money just to be able to make a weeks worth of meals. I just dont have a knack for it.

    So yeah, I discovered online meal planning tools, where you chose what type of diet you have (as in gluten free, vegetarian, etc etc) and it will lay out a plan of meals, with reciepies and a shopping list. I just did a week of, which was okay...the meals a bit too simple for me, but if someone doesnt much like to cook, it would be a good one. Also, it used too many packaged, canned foods for my tastes.

    For this upcoming week, Im trying out to see how that goes, since it uses all fresh ingredients and the meals look more interesting for me to cook as well.

    BTW, my grocery budget for 2 people (myself and my 18yo daughter) is $200. So personally speaking, your budget is totally doable for one person.

  • nairod12
    nairod12 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks! I will def check out these sites! Glad I'm not the only one
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    edited March 2015
    nairod12 wrote: »
    Thanks! I will def check out these sites! Glad I'm not the only one

    Yup, hope it helps! At a minimum, it'll show you how its done and put into practice. Like, this past week of following a plan taught me a lot. Not enough that Im ready to do it on my own yet LoL but I can see how Id be able to eventually. Just a matter of learning a new skill.

    There are free ones out there too btw, just google online meal planner and a lot of things will come up.
  • indyrunning
    indyrunning Posts: 136 Member
    It might be worth it to invest in a good cookbook too. One that is paper and can travel to the store with you. I have one called The 300 Calorie Cookbook by Betty Crocker. Easily obtained ingredients and healthy choices.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I usually think of the meals I would like for the week and then plan the groceries around that. My usual snacks are an apple or banana with Greek yogurt, so I always get a few of those. Also, check the adds so you can see what produce is on sale. What vegetables do you like? For lunch, I do soup, salad, or leftover dinner; maybe some raw crunchy veggies. Another snack would be nuts or a protein bar. A basic dinner would be protein, vegetable, starch. Build around whatever your favorites are.
    protein--fish, chicken, beef, pork, lentils, beans, tofu
    vegetables--broccoli, spinach, squash, asparagus, mushrooms
    starch--potato, sweet potato, rice, corn, pasta, quinoa, barley
    Pick one from each category, or two veggies, and make a meal:)
    I also make sure to have dry soup mix, herbs/spices, and pasta sauce on hand.
  • indyrunning
    indyrunning Posts: 136 Member
    A rice cooker is an inexpensive and time saving tool for cooking rice/quinoa/barley too. I love mine and use it every week for at least 2 or 3 meals.
  • Green beans! If you like green beans, get a few frozen bags and use it to supplement - everything.
    Seriously, I'm a fairly bland eater. I don't care for spices. A little salt and pepper is good for me, and a teaspoon of ranch or a pat of butter where it doesn't cost too much. I've found that getting some frozen veggies, rice, a bag of potatoes and a few meats are really all I need. I rotate in whatever is fresh and in season or on sale. I've been suprised that I can lose weight on steak and potato, chicken and veggies, etc. It truly is all in the proportions and therefore the calories.
    If you shop like that, you can throw it all in a crock pot if you don't have time for preperation. I don't mind eating the same thing for three or four days in a row.
  • getalife9353
    getalife9353 Posts: 100 Member
    It obviously depends on what you enjoy eating. I like to keep it simple. For dinner I usually have 4-6 oz. of meat (chicken, pork, or fish), 1 cup whole grain rice, and 2 fresh vegetables (3-4 oz. each) either microwaved or steamed. The meat choice usually depends on what is on sale, I buy fresh vegetables every couple of days. I snack on 4 oz. servings of melon (cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon) or other fruit. Breakfast varies between skipped, Nature Valley granola bars, or eggs, bacon, and hash browns. I still need to work on Lunch especially during the work week. On weekends lunch is either the same as dinner, without the rice, or a grilled chicken breast sandwich sometimes with a piece of fruit. I really don't mind eating the same basic meals.
  • ChristyDies
    ChristyDies Posts: 3 Member
    I cook alot of stuff in crock pot. Roast, chilli, stew etc.. I use lean hamburger meat the fuscia colored package at walmart. Grilled chicken breast. Fix things that can be left overs to portion out for more than one meal. Chicken & rice/ shredded chicken soft tacos on corn tortillas/ grilled chicken salad.......... (2-4 oz) tuna / .... ? My fit foods is a great place to get meals already prepared for on the go and people that don't have time to cook. All you do is heat them up. They are proportioned for men and women with proper calories & many are gluten free.