Photo Shoot

I am curious as if anyone here has ever done a photo shoot before. I have my first paid photo shoot to do in about 6 weeks. It will be in a gym setting and also on a farm (Cowboy) and a construction site. Just looking for maybe some tips or experiences to help me out! Thanks All


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I hope you get some replies! Good luck with the shoot!
  • abuck_13
    abuck_13 Posts: 382 Member
    having photographed shoots in the past, relax, pay attention and have fun. The most important part is relaxing and enjoying it. If you are nervous or tense, it will show.
  • Lissa_Kaye
    Lissa_Kaye Posts: 214 Member
    I know it will sound totally corny, but watch some of the new 2 seasons of americas next top model. They have males in it. I know it is geared towards high fashion, but all the principles are the same. You need to know camera direction, angles, and how to hit poses and relax your face and eyes. The outdoor shoots you need to make sure you don't get sqinty. For guys I think it is a little difficult to do good shots without coming off cheesy. Also practice multiple facial expressions. You don't want to be a deer in the headlights if they ask you to change it up. What kind of shoot? Make sure you understand what kind of feel/vibe they are going for.
  • IFBBRich
    IFBBRich Posts: 99 Member
    Its for a fitness magzine. Cant not really say which one right now. Some will be fashion in a suite and modeling some jeans and underwear. @abuck thanks for the info it helps a ton!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Relax- and the sooner you can get out of your own way- the better you'll be.

    Don't clench your teeth- open your mouth a little to breath.

    Know the difference between hard stares and soft stares.

    I second the don't squint in the light- you'll have to look at it/or in the light- but learn how to not squint- a lot of times it'll be ONE TWO THREE- and on three you open your eyes and take the shot.

    But relax- and get out of your own way- feeling uncomfortable reads- the sooner you can own yourself the easier it'll be.

    Good luck!!!

    Bring a snack and water!