Runners knee (i think) and what to do about it?

dxp232 Posts: 28 Member
edited March 2015 in Fitness and Exercise
I am fairly fit and run regularly (at least I used to). I have ran races and in addition I bike and swim so am used to exercise. A few weeks ago I ran my fastest 10k and felt fine but the next day I attempted to run a few miles on the treadmill and had to stop at the 1mi point because of severe pain in my right knee. Couldnt pin-point the pain within the knee but it was severe to the point where I had to stop running and couldn't walk on it (felt like the leg would give way). I figured it was runners knee so I rested it for a week or so but when I tried to run again the same thing happened, no issues until about the 1 to 1.5mi mark and then pain that went from mild to severe quickly. I rested the knee another 2 weeks and today ran a 6k trail run. Same issues although they were sporadic (I ended up walking a portion of it to relax everything) and now i can barely walk. I wear a brace on that knee when I run/work-out and at this point have some serious concerns. Time to talk to an ortho? Thanks in advance


  • swimmerchick8
    swimmerchick8 Posts: 4 Member
    Your doctor will probably refer you for conservative treatment (physical therapy) to see if that works before consulting an ortho. Rest and ice in the meantime.
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    Couple of thoughts:

    1. You "used to" run and currently do other cardio. How much have you been running *recently*? I can see zero to 10K creating a repetitive-impact problem even if it's not a cardio one. Although the sudden onset from nothing to severe pain is suspicious (to me).

    dxp232 wrote: »
    Couldnt pin-point the pain within the knee but it was severe to the point where I had to stop running and couldn't walk on it (felt like the leg would give way).

    Feeling like the leg would give way doesn't sound like any runner's knee-type stuff I've had, I have to say. What kind of brace have you been trying? For RK, the simple under-the-knee velcro strap has worked *far* better than anything more complex I've ever tried. But that's just a stopgap measure; actual PT exercises get rid of it.

    I would definitely see a doctor, in any case. I'd guess you could get an appointment sooner and more easily with your PCP than with an orthopod?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    knee giving way isn't runner's knee...
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    That's not runner's knee. Go see your doctor.
  • dxp232
    dxp232 Posts: 28 Member
    Calling the doctor tomorrow. The knee hurts a lot with any weight on it and at its worst when lifting my leg in a prone position, the weight of my calf/foot was causing serious pain in the knee. This was yesterday after my 10k. Today i woke up sore and at this point am almost completely fine but i know if I try to run it will start hurting very quickly. The brace I use is a Bauerfeind GenuTrain brace but only when running/working out. I used to run meaning i have slowed down because of the knee pain. I normally run 3-6 mi 3 times a week. In the warmer months I also bike 15-20mi 3-4 times a week so my legs are in generally good shape. I am starting to incorporate more lower body into my routine to build more strength around the knee (squats and walking lunges). Thanks for all the feedback.
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    Good luck with the doctor. I hope she or he can figure out what's going on and how to fix it.
  • dxp232
    dxp232 Posts: 28 Member
    MRI results are back, tear in the meniscus so seeing an ortho on Friday. Started reading about it online and it matches my symptoms 100% so at least I now know exactly what the issue is...
    Anyone have any experience recovering from such an injury?
    Can they brace it so I can still run?
  • kpw818
    kpw818 Posts: 113 Member
    dxp232 wrote: »
    MRI results are back, tear in the meniscus so seeing an ortho on Friday. Started reading about it online and it matches my symptoms 100% so at least I now know exactly what the issue is...
    Anyone have any experience recovering from such an injury?
    Can they brace it so I can still run?

    I'm sorry to hear it! I would not, not, not try to run on it. You are probably out for a bit. Did the doc not mention anything about activity?

    I don't have experience with the meniscus tear, but I was out months for a tendon issue in my ankle last spring. I stuck to weight lifting and no impact or cardio while I healed (little walking, no elliptical, no bike, no running, no hiking).
  • lborsato1
    lborsato1 Posts: 1,011 Member
    it is usually a fairly minor surgery - arthroscopic normally....
    - Usual rehab is low impact to start, stretching, walking, physio - really not a bad injury to come back from should only take 6-8 weeks at the very most....
  • dxp232
    dxp232 Posts: 28 Member
    edited March 2015
    From what i am experiencing mine is a minor tear but i am meeting with an ortho tomorrow to get details and discuss treatment. I can bike with 0 pain right now and when i run I only have pain because my leg turns outward which is something i need to correct. Either way like i said meeting with the ortho tomorrow so will know more... definitely not going to self diagnose so will do whatever the doc tells me (even if he says to stop my cardio :neutral_face: )
  • dxp232
    dxp232 Posts: 28 Member
    So in the words of my doctor "your competitive running days need to be behind you". The tear is in an area that wont heal and i need some minor arthroscopic surgery to clean it up but basically no more running, jumping, anything that causes so much stress on my knee. Biking is ok so time to become a hardcore cyclist!
  • john_not_typical
    john_not_typical Posts: 44 Member
    I would talk to another doctor. As a biomedical engineer that has had way worse knee problems, I can't believe that is truly the answer. Almost no tears like this ever heal, and in general you can be back at 100%. You will be increasing your risk of osteoarthritis by running, but unless there's something else going on that rx seems way too conservative. But I'm not there and haven't seen your MRI and x-rays.
  • dxp232
    dxp232 Posts: 28 Member
    He basically said that if i keep running ill need a knee replacement in 10-15 years as it will only get worse and all they can do is try to minimize the damage and slow down the problem... Getting a second opinion though so we will see