Walking with Arthritis



  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited March 2015
    Wow, OP, I'm so sorry that happened to you :(:(:(

    As far as I know, gentle movement is good, too much isn't; some pain is to be expected, but it's not good to push through too much. It's a fine line :( Maybe a session or two with a physio would help you figure out what your limits are (when you should tolerate pain, and when you should push)?

    Also as far as I know, orthotics and pain management (NSAIDs, acetominophen) are about it for OA. (Fish oil etc. only really help with RA, AFAIK.) There was a massive trial on glucosamine & chrondoitin, which showed it didn't do much for OA. However, the form of glucosamine that was used (glucosamine chloride) isn't the one that's supposed to be optimal (glucosamine sulphate) for pain relief. (I don't think they're supposed to do much to actually help the tissue, so much as with pain.) So, I don't know, maybe it's worth it to try those, if you have the budget for it.

    Any weight you lose is less stress on your joints.

    I hope these shoes work for you :)