AbTronic on TV. (My son thinks it looks great, Me not so much)

My son is 6, He has been watching me weigh food and talk about getting healthier and he does the cutest jumping jacks with me.
He's watching cartoons and the infomercials came on. He's trying to talk me into the AbTronic...... Hes fallen for it totally.
I told him I think I will stick with my kettle-ball YouTube workouts ....... he told me that I can just wear it around all day.
I told him that I don't have the money.... He told me they have a special offer.....
I told him I don't think it works..... he made me look at the before and after pics...

I am very happy he is taking an interest in health and exercise with me, Just not so keen on the "coolest thing" he has ever seen.

Whats the worst thing you have all seen in an infomercial? or anywhere for that matter?


  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member

    Whats the worst thing you have all seen in an infomercial? or anywhere for that matter?

    I've been to Tijuana. I'm not going to detail.