Weight-loss Reboot : Third & Final!!

RougeR93 Posts: 3
edited March 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hello all,

I am really quite upset because I wrote a long and heart felt post about my weight loss journey etc and MFP only posted the first 4 lines. *grrr*

Well I'm not going to rewrite it but in short form:

Hello everyone!

I'm new to this type of weight loss approach which is quite "public".

I used to be a size 20 then got down to size 10-12. I have managed to out on weight and get to a size 14/16.

I'm not sad about it though, I've learnt and know what I did wrong.

This is my last time ever embarking on a "major weight loss reboot".

This time around I am changing my life for good!

Being fit healthy and in control feels amazing, I just want to feel like that again.

Feel free to add.

Peace and love.

Low carber
