need support

working on a new me! but with that i have two little boys who need me to do more than just sit around the house. i want to be able to take them to the park to play and in our yard. most important i dont want them to turn out like i did and not want to do anything but watch tv. i have 80lbs i want to lose to begin with and see how i feel. recently started antidepressants and would really like to be off those.


  • brahmergirl
    brahmergirl Posts: 84 Member
    No matter what you are doing, as long as you are up and moving, that is a perfect start. Whether it be playing catch in the yard, a bike ride around the block, a walk at the park, you are moving. It starts there...Keep going! :smile: It is spring and time to get out and move, go to Walmart, buy a kite and take them to the park, take them fishing, or just play in the yard! You can do this, the more you find yourself outside, the better you do and look forward to it. I used to hate running, now I alternate it with riding my bike and lifting weights. It takes a while to get in the habit but when you do, you feel sooooo much better about yourself! You got this!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    You can do this! :D
    Weight loss is about 80% diet and 20% exercise. Buy a food scale and log carefully everyday. Sometimes the data base has some "off" number but you can check the USDA web site for accurate numbers.
    Eat lots of fresh or frozen veggies like broccoli, swiss chard, kale, spinach, romaine, cabbage, mushrooms, asparagus, avocados, okra, cauliflower, bell peppers, snow peas, eggplant, zucchini, yellow squash, winter squash, brussels sprouts, cucumbers, green beans. It helps to add some new foods to your days instead of focusing on what you are giving up.
  • RainbowLove90
    RainbowLove90 Posts: 5 Member
    You can do it :)
    You've chosen the best and in my opinion, one of the healthiest goals you could have for yourself - wanting to be healthier and fitter to play with your kids. So just think of how much they'll love it on the tough days and hopefully that will remind you all the hard work is well worth it :#