Just cannot find a good whey to drink it.



  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    Some other options are:

    Diet orange soda or orange Crystal Light mixes well with vanilla protein powder for an orange cream flavored drink. You can add in a real orange and/ or some orange cream yogurt for a carb.

    Any frozen fruit mixes well with Vanilla protein in a blender.

    Peppermint extract with Spinach and a frozen banana for a mint icecream flavor.

    Play with the amount of frozen fruit and liquid for thicker shakes.

    Chocolate protein and peanut butter with Almond milk and half a banana.

    Chocolate Belvita cookies with half a banana Almond milk and a little lite whipping cream for cookies and cream.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Love the pun, that's why I opened the thread, lol.

    Try almond milk maybe? But I never drink my protein powder anymore either... I think it's not worth the calories because you have to add something to it to make it edible. You could try in oatmeal or yogurt or something though... at least it would be more filling.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    Body Logix brand in chocolate is 122 cals a scoop, 24g protein and tastes good with water.

    Alternatively......mix and CHUG! minimal tasting involved.
  • HealthyFit23
    HealthyFit23 Posts: 34 Member
    Nector protein is great. I buy the cherry and mix it with water. 100 cals 24g protein