Getting discouraged - What do you do?

I've been going strong with my fitness program so far. Tomorrow will be the start of Week 5 out of 12. However, I'm feeling discouraged. I'm seeing some results, but not much. A coworker told me that when she starts to feel this way, she'll do a little something for herself. She'll schedule a hair cut or have her hair colored, buy something she's had her eye on for a while, get her nails done, or buy a tanning membership. Do you think that's a good idea? What do you do when you start to hit a plateau, get frustrated, or get discouraged?


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    If you are discouraged, maybe you need to check your diary for logging errors. Do you use a food scale? How do you track your calories burned?

    But aside from that I always treat myself to something to new wear or I get a pedicure. With all the hiking I do my feet get wrecked.LOL