Skipping Dinner? Accelerate weight loss

i feel like when I eat 3 meals a day I am so close to going over my calorie goal...And many times I have. I heard skipping dinner is a good way to put your body in fat burning mode, since our ancestors where constantly in either periods of feast or famine. I feel like I can afford to skip dinner and get most of my nutritional needs from breakfast lunch and protein powder + a couple snacks. Thoughts?


  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Look up and read about intermittent fasting.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Our ancestors also didn't live very long.
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Our ancestors also didn't live very long.

  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Eat in whatever pattern suits your lifestyle and makes it easier to adhere to your calorie and other goals.

    You don't have to do anything special to put yourself in "fat burning mode". It's happening several times a day without any intervention required - as soon as you have finished digesting your last meal you are using your energy reserves.

    Well worth experimenting with different eating styles. Have a look at the Leangains site if you feel the eating window style of IF may work for you.
    I do a different version of IF (5:2) and it made weight loss much easier for me compared to more regular ways of eating at a daily or weekly deficit.

    Obviously calorie deficit is the crucial thing for weight loss but the way you eat can make a big difference in terms of ease of adherence for some people.
  • emilee974
    emilee974 Posts: 265 Member
    No eating at all can also make you loose weigh ;)

    To be serious, NEVER SKIP ANY MEAL please, it is not good :) But, you can : eat a lot at the breakfast (cheese, eggs, bacon...), eat normally at lunch (meat, rice, pasta, vegetable...) and eat a little for dinner (soup, vegetables ^^)
  • DC_TheDrivah1
    DC_TheDrivah1 Posts: 77 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Our ancestors also didn't live very long.

  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    emilee974 wrote: »
    No eating at all can also make you loose weigh ;)

    To be serious, NEVER SKIP ANY MEAL please, it is not good :) But, you can : eat a lot at the breakfast (cheese, eggs, bacon...), eat normally at lunch (meat, rice, pasta, vegetable...) and eat a little for dinner (soup, vegetables ^^)

    There's nothing wrong with skipping meals.

    OP, there's no reason to skip dinner if you want dinner. It won't speed up your weight loss. It might make it easier for you to stay in a deficit, but there's no secret fat burning going on. Do what fits your life.
  • abel_teklai
    abel_teklai Posts: 24 Member
    Makes sense thanks guys!
  • MelWick524
    MelWick524 Posts: 215 Member
    emilee974 wrote: »
    No eating at all can also make you loose weigh ;)

    To be serious, NEVER SKIP ANY MEAL please, it is not good :) But, you can : eat a lot at the breakfast (cheese, eggs, bacon...), eat normally at lunch (meat, rice, pasta, vegetable...) and eat a little for dinner (soup, vegetables ^^)

    There's nothing wrong with skipping meals.

    OP, there's no reason to skip dinner if you want dinner. It won't speed up your weight loss. It might make it easier for you to stay in a deficit, but there's no secret fat burning going on. Do what fits your life.

    I agree with your post :) ... except for the "There's nothing wrong with skipping meals" part. For some, there may not be anything wrong with it, but I find when I skip lunch, I'm more prone to binges later in the day, and when I skip dinner, I sometimes find myself mindlessly snacking at 2am. Not to mention, when I skip meals, I get, dizzy, tired, and super cranky.

  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    a lot of people skip meals, for various reasons. as long as you are hitting your requirements and not doing it to reduce overall caloric intake, its not a big deal.
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    MelWick524 wrote: »
    emilee974 wrote: »
    No eating at all can also make you loose weigh ;)

    To be serious, NEVER SKIP ANY MEAL please, it is not good :) But, you can : eat a lot at the breakfast (cheese, eggs, bacon...), eat normally at lunch (meat, rice, pasta, vegetable...) and eat a little for dinner (soup, vegetables ^^)

    There's nothing wrong with skipping meals.

    OP, there's no reason to skip dinner if you want dinner. It won't speed up your weight loss. It might make it easier for you to stay in a deficit, but there's no secret fat burning going on. Do what fits your life.

    I agree with your post :) ... except for the "There's nothing wrong with skipping meals" part. For some, there may not be anything wrong with it, but I find when I skip lunch, I'm more prone to binges later in the day, and when I skip dinner, I sometimes find myself mindlessly snacking at 2am. Not to mention, when I skip meals, I get, dizzy, tired, and super cranky.

    Yep, but there's nothing objectively, universally wrong with it. There are a lot of myths out there, like: You must eat breakfast, or Skipping meals harms your metabolism. It isn't true. What is true is that you should eat whenever is best for you. Eat in the patterns that work for you and your life. If that means skipping meals, skip them. If it means six small meals, fine. If it means three and no snacks, fine. It's all fine.
  • emilee974
    emilee974 Posts: 265 Member
    Some studies (I know, it is just studies...) show that when you skip a meal, your body tells you "wtf" and the next meal, it will take what you eat as "fat".
    It is the same problem if you don't eat enough calories, body does not want to lose ( @callsitlikeiseeit‌ I read your post about lose/loose :p) anymore.

    It is hard for me to explain that in English, easier in French ^^
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Our ancestors also didn't live very long.

    There will have been an increased mortality rate from infections and accidents, childbirth etc. compared to survival rates with modern medicines- not sure what that's got to do with nutrition though.
  • terar21
    terar21 Posts: 523 Member
    Skipping dinner isn't going to accelerate fat loss. All it would do is help you create a bigger deficit. Unless you're going over your calorie goal by a significant amount, you should probably just try reducing the amount you eat at a meal rather than just cutting it out completely. If you're going over by a significant amout, you should evaluate what is causing you to go over and if that goal is right for you.

    What's the problem and how much are you actually going over by? What is your daily goal?
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    Do what works for you. I don't skip meals because my brain goes into "ZOMG EAT ALL THE THINGS!!!" mode. I do keep a fairly unconventional eating schedule - often having dinner quite late at night (8 pm or later).
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Nothing wrong with skipping meals. Only society say you should eat at certain times. It's only the overall numbers when you put your head on the pillow to go to sleep each night that matter. I'll happily skip breakfast and brunch and lunch and not eat all day until seven on the evening when I destroy a 3000 calorie all you can eat Chinese Buffet. My calorie goal hit for the day, protein requirement hit for the day, no harm done except for a bit of water weight from the sodium B)
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    MelWick524 wrote: »
    emilee974 wrote: »
    No eating at all can also make you loose weigh ;)

    To be serious, NEVER SKIP ANY MEAL please, it is not good :) But, you can : eat a lot at the breakfast (cheese, eggs, bacon...), eat normally at lunch (meat, rice, pasta, vegetable...) and eat a little for dinner (soup, vegetables ^^)

    There's nothing wrong with skipping meals.

    OP, there's no reason to skip dinner if you want dinner. It won't speed up your weight loss. It might make it easier for you to stay in a deficit, but there's no secret fat burning going on. Do what fits your life.

    I agree with your post :) ... except for the "There's nothing wrong with skipping meals" part. For some, there may not be anything wrong with it, but I find when I skip lunch, I'm more prone to binges later in the day, and when I skip dinner, I sometimes find myself mindlessly snacking at 2am. Not to mention, when I skip meals, I get, dizzy, tired, and super cranky.

    Okay but that's specific. I'm speaking in general terms and of weight loss.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    emilee974 wrote: »
    Some studies (I know, it is just studies...) show that when you skip a meal, your body tells you "wtf" and the next meal, it will take what you eat as "fat".
    It is the same problem if you don't eat enough calories, body does not want to lose ( @callsitlikeiseeit‌ I read your post about lose/loose :p) anymore.

    It is hard for me to explain that in English, easier in French ^^

    YAY! I reached ONE person! The post is a success!