Sneaky or Creative Ways to be Active?

I am not a workout enthusiast and find no motivation to maintain a weekly workout routine. However, I know the benefits of exercise, I like to be active, and I'm not afraid to break a sweat. My issue is boredom and a feeling of pointlessness. Exercise for exercise sake doesn't work for me.
So, I try to take actions I am already doing and turn them into exercises. For instance, when I do yard work I trim plants by hand, instead of using power tools, or I try to add extra steps throughout the day by taking the longest path instead of the most direct route wherever I'm walking, or incorporate squats, stretches, and lifting into housework. Does anyone else do this? If so, what are your tricks for making your normal life more active?


  • selzam2
    selzam2 Posts: 34
    If it fits into your lifestyle consider getting a dog, pig, or other animal you can play with and/or take for walks. Cats could work too, though you'll need to think of indoor ways to exercise with them in most cases.

    I consider walking my dogs a necessary chore that I just *happen* to enjoy and which gets both of us the activity and stimulation we need. I log about 5 miles per day with my lab and my shepherd mix. They're medium/large dogs and can run with me as well, so I'm more inclined to up the intensity. It keeps me interested just to watch them interact with their surroundings and enjoy life.

    Beyond this I try walking to nearby convenience stores when possible, rather than driving to the supermarket. Sweeping/swiffering the floor regularly (which I don't enjoy) is more appealing when I think of it in terms of active minutes. When I talk to friends and relatives on the phone I always do it standing and walking around the room, or outside when the weather allows.

    Hope I offered some ideas for you! Good luck.
  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
    edited March 2015
    You might think this is a joke but I'm being completely serious:

    Have lots and lots of really vigorous sex with you on top. It's a great way to burn some extra calories and get some cardio in. I guarantee you won't get bored while you're doing it, either.
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    edited March 2015
    I choose to live someplace with a safe biking/walking route to work, and don't buy a parking permit for my car so I'm not even tempted to drive.

    When I talk to my long-distance fiance or my mom on the phone, I'm always walking around outside. Yes, even in the dead of winter. It's my walk-and-talk rule.

    I have a wireless headset/microphone and dictation software for my computer. I pace while I write. (Sometimes. I also often sit on my butt and type, like right now.)
  • Tmm10910
    Tmm10910 Posts: 18 Member
    I try to do some exercises while cooking. I will do planks, squats and push-ups while waiting for the microwave, water to boil or the oven to preheat.
  • mistydjenkins
    mistydjenkins Posts: 1 Member
    I do floor exercises with rubber bands and weights while I listen to the evening news.
  • TayzerFun
    TayzerFun Posts: 45 Member
    This is really silly, but my husband stands on one leg when brushing his teeth. when he bends to spit into the sink he straightens the leg behind him so his leg and back are in a straight line. (Hope that makes sense? lol!) The next day he switches legs. :)
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    Instead of sitting on my butt all day watching Netflix, YouTube, Twitch, etc., I walk/pace while watching Netflix, YouTube, Twitch, etc..
  • RedHotMamaGirl
    RedHotMamaGirl Posts: 7 Member
    I just bought a variable standing/sitting desk ( It sits on top of my desk and allows me to work standing up. it's easy to lower, so if I need to sit, I can, but now I spend my days standing instead of sitting. It's the only really affordable version I have seen on the market that allows me to easily change between standing and sitting at my desk. So now, instead of sitting 8 hours a day (or more), I stand.
  • Kamel622
    Kamel622 Posts: 2 Member
    I know this sounds silly but being retired I get very little passive exercise so had find a way to incorporate it into my day...I started walking five laps around the inside of my house after using the restroom. It is a good reminder to take extra steps and I fell like I've moved more that way.
    One of my daughters does five squats after a visit to the toilet...again a quick reminder to get a little bit of extra exercise in.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I don't think anyone ultimately does well with doing exercise for the sake of doing exercise. For starters, it helps to establish some base line fitness goals...these should go beyond simply burning calories. It also helps to sign up for events and you something tangible to train for.

    I personally do a lot of riding...which means that I go out and ride quite a bit, just to ride...but I also turn everyday kind of things into "reasons" to yesterday my wife and sister in law and my kids and niece and nephew all wanted to go to the zoo...they piled into the car and I jumped on my bike and hit the bike trail to meet them there and then road home...that's a decent 25 mile round trip training ride for me right the few hours of leisurely walking around the zoo.

    I try to do stuff like that so I can get my miles in, but not miss out on family stuff on the weekends...I also do things like grocery shopping and other miscellaneous errands on my bike using my little bike trailer.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    edited March 2015
    I can't have a phone conversation with my mother that lasts less than 45 minutes. As soon as I get on the phone with her I begin pacing the perimeter of my living room rug, stopping to switch directions every now and then. I once wore my Body Media Fit armband and burned a good 100, 150 or so calories. Getting out of breath isn't an issue because I barely get a word in. ;)
  • kaffeldt29
    kaffeldt29 Posts: 2 Member
    These are all some really great ideas. Thanks for your responses!
    cwolfman13: you are quite right, having some sort of fitness goal would help me be more consistent about exercise. Setting goals (for anything) is a personal weakness of mine and one I am trying to improve on. Maybe I should use fitness as a way to grow in this aspect.
  • GoGoMary4
    GoGoMary4 Posts: 33 Member
    I use a weighted hula hoop when watching tv. Leg raises when reading, squats with laundry. I don't ever sit for more than 30 mins if I can help it either. I also walk a lot.
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I don't think anyone ultimately does well with doing exercise for the sake of doing exercise. For starters, it helps to establish some base line fitness goals...these should go beyond simply burning calories. It also helps to sign up for events and you something tangible to train for.

    I personally do a lot of riding...which means that I go out and ride quite a bit, just to ride...but I also turn everyday kind of things into "reasons" to yesterday my wife and sister in law and my kids and niece and nephew all wanted to go to the zoo...they piled into the car and I jumped on my bike and hit the bike trail to meet them there and then road home...that's a decent 25 mile round trip training ride for me right the few hours of leisurely walking around the zoo.

    I try to do stuff like that so I can get my miles in, but not miss out on family stuff on the weekends...I also do things like grocery shopping and other miscellaneous errands on my bike using my little bike trailer.

    ITA with this. I started and stopped working out a million times, before I finally set a goal--do the Couch 2 5K. Once I started seeing progress, that was an additional reward beyond progressing to my goal. I was raised on a farm, and you didn't waste energy on pointless tasks because you never knew when you were going to need that strength to chase a horse, fix a fence, etc. So exercise for the sake of exercise just wasn't going to happen for me. At least give it a try, in addition to the sneaky stuff (which I do too--taking stairs instead of the elevator, walking on the escalator instead of standing, parking at the back of the lot).