MFP Blog problems?

DaneanP Posts: 433 Member
I'm not really new to MFP, but I am new to the blog feature. Last night I wrote my 2nd entry - of course it was a long and thoughtful one - and when I hit enter "poof" it was gone with a message about how something inside the body of my post caused an error. Stupid me, didn't save before I tried to post.

Is this just a random issue? Has anyone else had problems with the blog feature on this site?

Thanks in advance!


  • cdlee05
    cdlee05 Posts: 718 Member
    Yes I've had that issue happen and it still isn't fixed. I've pretty much given up on trying lately. Sorry
  • DaneanP
    DaneanP Posts: 433 Member
    No need to be sorry - that is what I wanted to find out! :) I won't waste my time blogging on this site if it is faulty. I can blog elsewhere.

    Even though I lost my post, I still feel like it was good to write all that stuff down.