helping BF become a runner for first time...advice?

My dear boyfriend agreed to start running/jogging with me. He doesn't run or jog and has never done it recreationally ever in his life. I'd consider myself a beginner-ish runner. 3-mile runs are considered "long" for me. I recently did a 5k in 36:12. That has been my best time. I need some advice for how to get him started jogging. I was considering doing the Couch to 5k program since that is what I did to get into running at first. Is that a good plan? How do I not make him feel bad if he has to take walking breaks or gets winded easily?


  • trin8ty75
    trin8ty75 Posts: 60 Member
    Definitely C25K
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    C25K works great for most but I'd like to interject a different opinion - it didn't quite do it for me. If he doesn't feel like he can keep up with that schedule or it's too regimented, just have him play it by ear. Just like regular running days - some are great and you feel like you could run forever and some days half a mile feels like it's going to kill you. So it is when you first start running. Maybe one day he'll want to mostly walk and the next day he'll do 15 minutes without even thinking about it. Heat and terrain are all factors as well. When I first started running I hated hills but now I crush them. :) There are apps and such that may help too.

    If he's a reader, one book that helped me immensely was The Courage to Start by John Bingham. The man says over and over how he's not built for running and how it doesn't matter how fast or far you go and yet he runs marathons (slowly but still) and is a highly respected writer on running. It makes you feel like if he can do it, you can too!

    Above all, just keep encouraging him! If he feels down about his progress, just remind him that he's lapping everyone else still sitting on the couch! (Same goes for you, that's a pretty good 5k time!)
  • Rhonda21km
    Rhonda21km Posts: 90 Member
    Walk breaks are a great way to condition yourself for running and are nothing at all to feel badly about!
    The C25K is a good start, or have him look at the Jeff Galloway training method. This intentionally incorporates
    walking and running. Also encourage him to get a proper pair of GOOD running shoes that are fitted by a professional
    in a running store. This can help prevent injury.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    My dear boyfriend agreed to start running/jogging with me.
    Get a dog.

    Train it to bite him on the *kitten*.

    Turn it loose at the beginning of the run.

    His gains will be massive.
  • unknwnprod
    unknwnprod Posts: 3 Member
    I just posted this for a similar question. Maybe it will help.......

    I've helped train a lot of people and I am in no way an expert runner. But as long as you are jog/walk healthy, a 5K in a month should not be too dificult and as everyone says, do it to have fun and don't expect to "run" the whole thing. Last summer I helped get my girlfriend get ready for her first sprint triathlon (including a 5K run at the end). She could not run a 1/4 mile when we started. Here is the program I had her do (It works really easy if you have a GPS watch.... about 100 bucks) but you can do it by time too. I will list both in case you don't have or don't want to purchase a GPS watch.

    It's simple interval training. Go a minimum of 2-3 times a week. Never go more than 3 days without training or you will start to lose the cardio you are gaining.

    Start off very easy (but "walk" as fast as you can without it turning into a jog.)

    Week #1
    Jog ".1" miles (thats point 1 miles (528 feet!) ..... not a mile!)
    Walk ".1" miles

    (No GPS - for time you can jog for 30 seconds, walk for 45 seconds)

    Do this for a total of 2 miles - at least 3 times in a week.

    Week #2
    Jog .2 miles
    Walk .1 miles

    Do this for a total of 2 miles - at least 3 times in a week

    Week #3
    Jog .5 miles
    Walk .1 miles

    Do this for a total of 2 miles - at least 3 times a week.

    Week #4
    Jog .75 miles
    Walk .1 miles

    Try and do this for a total of 3 miles (3.1 miles is a 5K) at least 3 times in a week. You may find that by this time you can jog further and might be able to hit a mile before your walk enterval.

    My girlfriend hit 1.5 miles without walking after 4 weeks and could do a 5K in a little over a month without stopping. It was a slow 12 Minute mile, which is good for a beginner. After 2 more months she was down to a 10 minute mile. She is trying to improve her 5K time to an 8 minute mile now.... just a year later.

    So she went from 1/4 mile to 5K runner in about a month, so it's totally doable.

    Size doesn't matter (as long as your healthy). I am 6 foot 170 pounds and less than 10 percent body fat and there are way bigger people blowing past me on triathlons.
  • jaxCarrie
    jaxCarrie Posts: 214 Member
    Get him running - the Couch25K program rocks....helps get into it and cover the distance in a respectable manner (i.e. he won't get too dejected with walk breaks if it is part ot he program)....and then, get ready for him to start beating you.....this happened with my husband, I did the C25K program, signed us up for a 5K, beat him (by a few seconds)....and then......he just keep running and running and running. He does a 5K in about 20 minutes to my 5K at about 28 minutes. I tell him a created a monster (a fast and healthy monster :-) He preens.