What makes a woman attractive?

vezin1jc Posts: 5 Member
I'm sure you have opinions so I would love to hear them.. What makes a woman most attractive?


  • kangakev
    kangakev Posts: 2,430 Member
    long hair. smiling eyes. laughter. my phone number in her mobile. rich parents.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    Symmetry, long straight hair...and the rest I get from the voices down below when I see it
  • The_left_turnover
    The_left_turnover Posts: 239 Member
    Long blond hair, red top and pink phone
  • kelis_74
    kelis_74 Posts: 60
    To each is their own, some women are attractive because they are strong willed, some might have a body that is desirable but to me the thing that makes a woman the utmost attractive is respect for herself and others.
  • The_left_turnover
    The_left_turnover Posts: 239 Member
    chitownkb wrote: »
    To each is their own, some women are attractive because they are strong willed, some might have a body that is desirable but to me the thing that makes a woman the utmost attractive is respect for herself and others.


  • ashley1215
    ashley1215 Posts: 2,199 Member
    Dat assssss ;)

    Lol I know that's what 80% of the guys wanna say on here anyways....

    I think it's eyes. You can tell a lot by a woman's eyes... And it doesn't hurt if you smell nice too.
  • DoneWorking
    DoneWorking Posts: 247 Member
    edited March 2015
    chitownkb wrote: »
    the thing that makes a woman the utmost attractive is respect for herself and others.
    You're right, this is important, but this means different things to different people.
  • DoneWorking
    DoneWorking Posts: 247 Member
    edited March 2015
    moijo705 wrote: »
    in my experience.. most guys its boobs or bottom or legs.. and if theyre any good in the kitchen with the appliances and cooking :P
    You forgot to say that she has to make a good sammich. :):)
  • kiousd
    kiousd Posts: 917 Member
    What makes a woman sexy...... confidence and honesty are a big part. How she carries herself and how she acts.. that makes her sexy. Nobody wants to hang out with a crabby chick all the time. Lol