150 Pounds To Lose, Here I go, Head First!



  • Tyandnatesmom
    Tyandnatesmom Posts: 23 Member
    Welcome! You will love this place. I started using it 3 months ago and I am down 25 pounds. All of the people here are helpful and this tool makes you accountable. Good luck with your journey!!
  • redhead_k073
    redhead_k073 Posts: 20 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I also have 150 pounds to lose! Feel free to add me, I'm always looking for motivational friends!
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I love that you have such enthusiasm. But, slow down tiger. Sorry first thing I thought of. But, what I am learning is the gentle approach works really well. I have in the past tried so many hard core ways to lose weight and ended up needing to lose upwards of 140 lbs. So, just cut back a bit maybe 500-1000 calories a day. I know it sounds like a lot, but you can fill up with veggies and fiber foods, just don't add all at once trust me on this. And move a bit more. I am up to 90 minutes of walking a day now. I started at 20 minutes a day. But, if you can do 10 and build up that is fine too. Or maybe you just want to get used to dieting first then add exercise. Going full tilt though can lead to giving up when one or two things go wrong or hunger gets ya. So, really swap a few things out and focus on green stuff and fruit.

    Oh and thanks who ever pointed out they are one third the way to goal. I just noticed I am one third the way as well. Awesome a couple of months ago I was marveling at being 1/10 the way to goal.
  • Pamko57
    Pamko57 Posts: 182
    Welcome. I started at MFP in December. I was 250 at the time, but I've been up to 266. I'm 5'9" and was 185 last Saturday. Slow and steady. And it can be done!
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    You can do it! This site is great and the people here are awesome!
    welcome to mfp. good luck with your goals. make sure to friend ppl it how you get thru the tough times.
  • Lala_White
    Lala_White Posts: 52 Member
    Welcome to the site and good luck on your journey! You will find most everyone is supportive. :) You can do it.