My abs didn't disappear??

First of all let me say when I was a bodybuilder I used to train my abs hard. I used to have great abs even if they were a little abnormal. The reason I say that is they were always really blocky and kind of stuck out but were always ripped. If you saw me you may have thought I had a beer belly. Anyways flash forward 13 yr and I've gained about 50lbs and an additional 20% bodyfat. I just recently started dieting and the weird thing is even though my bf % is still high. In the 25% range you can still see a few pieces of my six pack. The weird thing is I haven't trained my abs in probably a decade. How is this possible that my abs would still be this muscular and still show when my bf% is so high? If you guys need a pic it can show you.


  • tpyott1
    tpyott1 Posts: 33 Member
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Good genetics? There is a woman on this site - @MireyGal76 - who has "before" pictures where she was overweight (not much, 30lbs?) and she still had a 6pack. Now she has a RIPPED 6pack. Maybe she'll show up and post pictures.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    haha! @DopeItUp‌ thanks for the shout out.

    Here's the pic he's mentioning...

  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Sort of related - I somehow have the top two-four looking great but clearly still need to lose at the bottom. Looks sort of strange when I'm working out in a tight tank, because the top half of my abs look ripped and then there's the "not ripped" half at the bottom.

    I tell myself that I'm ripped at the bottom, too, they're just covered up with a little extra body fat.

    I do have a natural tendency to build muscle easily, which is nice. :)

    The profile pic is not me - just a goal.

    The muscles are still under there waiting to shine!
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    Although I'm not as heavy as you, I have the exact same thing. The top of my abs are visible, albeit not that visible but you can definitely see them, my mid section of course you cannot.

    Very strange, I hope it's good genetics!
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    oh... and I've gotten a lil bit more padding in the past 6 months... but my lil fat rolls break along my ab lines. It's kinda hilarious.
  • tpyott1
    tpyott1 Posts: 33 Member
    So are abs different than most muscles that once you get them they will mostly always be there? Is that because we use our core every day? I swear i haven't really trained abs in a decade and my bodyfat% is In the low 30s. Thanks guys for the replies btw!
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Genetics and age. At 30 years old, you’re a peak for muscle mass (even the abs). You also seem to carry your fat in a more distributed manner than some of us. Good for you now, but it may not always be like that. Good luck on your fat loss journey!
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    tpyott1 wrote: »
    So are abs different than most muscles that once you get them they will mostly always be there? Is that because we use our core every day? I swear i haven't really trained abs in a decade and my bodyfat% is In the low 30s. Thanks guys for the replies btw!

    Actually, like most muscles... if you lower the body fat that surrounds the muscle, it LOOKS stronger. As you reduce body fat, it will look like you're getting stronger - when really, there's often not much change in muscle size. Rather it's more obvious because the excess padding is gone.
  • jcdalman
    jcdalman Posts: 3 Member
    that was my belly 6 months ago...
  • tpyott1
    tpyott1 Posts: 33 Member
    Actually I don't have it distributed very well lol. My arms are pretty solid with little fat. It's all in my back and belly lol. Here I am un flexed side view. jr13tdnbvifp.jpg
  • I've read that men store belly fat behind the abdominal muscles so the muscles are at the surface and more visible, whereas women store it over the muscle. Not sure if that's 100% accurate. Needs research!
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    It's the tail end of winter so I am about 5-6lbs above my in-season weight. I have the smallest amount of "pinchable" stuff around my belly button but my abs stick out pretty noticeably despite the bit of extra fat. So I have a 4-pack right now instead of 6. I imagine if I put on more weight they would disappear but I don't plan to since spring is coming and my training will move outside and ramp up in volume.
  • tpyott1
    tpyott1 Posts: 33 Member
    I got another question... When I was in top shape my abs stuck out big time. Almost like if you look at pro bodybuilders and they have the hgh gut. I never did that stuff so that didn't cause it. Unless from lifting weights raised my natural gh levels I dunno. I mean they were bjg and blocky and stuck out like I was nearly pregnant. That was with less than ten%bf. I need to find an old pic. Could I maybe have a undiagnosed hernia?
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    tpyott1 wrote: »
    I got another question... When I was in top shape my abs stuck out big time. Almost like if you look at pro bodybuilders and they have the hgh gut. I never did that stuff so that didn't cause it. Unless from lifting weights raised my natural gh levels I dunno. I mean they were bjg and blocky and stuck out like I was nearly pregnant. That was with less than ten%bf. I need to find an old pic. Could I maybe have a undiagnosed hernia?

    Ask your doctor. :)

    Everyone's body is different. Maybe that is just the way yours is structured.

    Maybe not.
    If you're worried... Go to the doc.