Needing a little push to get me back on track

Hi MFPals!

I'm about 12 weeks into my weight loss journey, and have been slowly falling into a "slump". I feel like I have been losing focus, not logging everything I eat, guesstimating my portions, and slacking on my gym efforts. I can totally feel it and tell that I haven't been going as hard as I have been, and I am really upset with myself. I still have 60 pounds to go, I've lost 30 since January, and I don't want to get stuck in a rut now. I think part of this down time has been beneficial, the rest for my mental and physical health has been enjoyable. My 3 days of rest and no gym last week didnt seem to effect me too negatively, I went to the gym Friday night and ran 45 minutes, 4.2 miles straight no stopping, then did a 5.2 mile hike on Sunday. I would like to get back to my 4 times a week this week and stricter caloric intake, rest days are dangerous for me because mentally i start to feel like i go back to my old ways.. excuses to snack... etc.

I guess what I'm looking for is support to get back in the serious saddle, I'm sure there are people out there who have hit this type of rut (it's been about 8 days of this mindset), any words of advice? I don't want to come off as feeling bad for myself, that is not my intention at all, I am angry with myself for not being as disciplined as i should be and am reaching out for advice and encouragement. Thanks guys, happy st patty's day! :)


  • jodbretz
    jodbretz Posts: 1
    Sounds like you're still doing great on exercise. Ive been on this rollerscoaster, loosing 20lb gaining 15 forever.
    Right now I'm starting to get back on and loose at least 20lb AGAIN. I've found for me, as long as I keep exercising the food part will fall into place and it helps me stay motivated. Once I stop exercising it all falls apart.
    Keep good thoughts, think how far you've come!!!!
    Good luck :)
  • MsTiff1981
    MsTiff1981 Posts: 214 Member
    It happens from time to time. It helps me to think about and write down my goals and my reasons to why I want to lose weight. By looking at reminders of why I started, it helps me to refocus on what is important. You can do this.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,396 Member
    Congratulations on losing 30 lbs!! That's incredible!

    You have to think of this as forever NOT a journey that has a defined end. Otherwise that lovely weight you lost will come right back. So what that means is make certain what you are doing NOW is sustainable. No crazy workouts, no super restrictive eating. Make certain you are eating enough food and eat back a portion of those exercise calories.

    To get back on track start with just one thing that is hard for you. Logging? Make a commitment to yourself to log everything today even if that ugly red number comes up. Then do it again tomorrow.

    A lot of people struggle with starting out gangbusters changing everything in their lives and it's exhausting. So pick one thing, make that a habit then add another. Eventually, that becomes your new normal.

    Good luck! You've shown you can do it!
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    Hi! Wow, 30 pounds since January?? That's great! Yay!!!!!! Do you do some (non-food) reward for yourself every 10 pounds down, like a new hair color, or new shoes, or just SOMETHING to celebrate? I hope so! Maybe you could set a particularly nice one for the next.
    Also, in this Motivation and Support section, there is a thread called "Just for Today". The purpose is encouragement to get thru goals for TODAY victoriously--don't think about tomorrow or the entire weight loss amount. I think it would encourage you greatly to get involved in that one!
    It also might help to write down a description of how you feel (felt) when you were "doing good" versus when you are "off the wagon"--i.e., after a few days of keeping my calorie goals, I "feel skinny", emptier actually feels nice, I have a lot more energy, don't have to take naps, get a lot done, etc. Now, when I overeat, I not only feel mentally and emotionally like a failure, but I feel slouchy and yucky. Might be a good motivator!!!
    One last thing that has helped me--find a treat that is low cal/healthy that you CAN allow yourself....and then try to have it fairly often! Like, I have a square or two of DARK chocolate almost every day. And I wanted a small piece of apple pie today, so I entered it early in my day so I could accommodate it without surprises later.
    I am just getting out of a one month rut myself. The "Just for Today" thread was the ticket for me. I hope you are able to bite the bullet and go, go, go Girl!! :):)