Making time for excerise



  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    edited March 2015
    Son has a ball game every day?

    I don't exercise every day; I work out 4-5 days, but I work at home three of those days, have a home gym, and get it done during my lunch hour. My in-office days, I will work out after work or not at all. I also like weekend workouts because I feel less rushed. I'll go run or something. It's not always perfect, but it is mostly consistent.

    Three kids, full time job, 45 minute commute (on my office days).
  • ToBeMe33
    ToBeMe33 Posts: 26 Member
    Our schedules look exactly the same......and sadly I do have to sacrifice sleep to get it I now wake up at 4:30 starting yesterday
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    edited March 2015
    _dracarys_ wrote: »
    Son has a ball game every day?

    thats what im thinking?

    do it on your lunch hour. or wake up earlier (lots of people do it). fit in an exercise dvd or youtube video

    i dont know how old your kids and husband are, but im pretty sure they can help with routine chores! my teens do their own laundry, keep the kitchen tidy, and keep their bedroom and bathroom clean. my 9 year old puts away clothes, keeps the family room tidy and they all take out trash, vacuum, wash dishes, etc
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    _dracarys_ wrote: »
    Son has a ball game every day?

    thats what im thinking?

    do it on your lunch hour. or wake up earlier (lots of people do it). fit in an exercise dvd or youtube video

    i dont know how old your kids and husband are, but im pretty sure they can help with routine chores! my teens do their own laundry, keep the kitchen tidy, and keep their bedroom clean. my 9 year old puts away clothes, keeps the family room tidy and they all take out trash, vacuum, wash dishes, etc

    I agree 100% with the bolded. You have a husband. I raised 2 kids alone and managed to work out regularly, even when they were both in opposite sports at the same time and we had practices and/or games every night. You said you didn't want to hear it, but it's true that you'll make the time for it if it's important to you. Get up earlier or do it after the kids go to bed.
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    what do you do on your lunch break?
    I walk around the neighbourhood on my break. You could walk, go for a run, hit up a gym...
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    How many nights a week does your son have a ball game? How long is your lunch at work? Can you eat at your desk? How much do the other members of your household contribute to the housework? How much do you really need to see your husband's face? Can you do some lunch prep on the weekends instead of all of it the night before?

    I do sometimes give up on some sleep to get a work out in. I worked job #2 until 11 last night was in bed about 11:45 and then up at 5:30 today so I could hit the gym before being at job #1 at 8 this morning. I have kids, commitments and a house to clean too. The only thing I don't have is the luxury of having a husband or life partner around to help pick up the slack so I can only go to gym on the mornings that my kids are at their dad's house. On other days I have to squeeze it in whenever I can. It takes a lot of planning and a strong desire to do stick with it, but I make it happen.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Also, why are you running around until "almost midnight" without your kids/husband pitching in???
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    sanren79 wrote: »
    I want to know, how does everyone do it. I really don't want to hear the whole thing that if you really want to make it happen you can...I need to know if I am alone in the fact that I feel like I have to sacrifice sleep in order to get in the exercise.

    Example of my day today:

    Wake: 6am
    Leave for work: 7:15
    Work: 8:30-5
    Get home: 6:15
    Sons Ball Game: 7pm
    Leave Game: 9pm
    get home: 9:30
    Feed kids snack, ask repeatly to shower, clean up kitchen, start laundry, actually see husbands face, load dishwasher, shower me, pick clothes, prep lunches, etc byt this time its almost midnight.

    Yes, I do have over an hour commute to and from work.

    Am I alone in trying to get exercise in?

    I'm assuming you get some kind of lunch break - can you go for a walk, or shut your office door & pop in a DVD? How about walking laps during part of your sons game?

    Is it possible that your husband can do something? What about weekend?

    If you don't want to hear....make it likely came to the wrong place. You can lose weight from diet alone. It's not the healthiest way (more muscle loss)'s slower going...but it's still possible.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Agreeing with getting hubby and kids to help out with chores at the house! At the very least, the kids need to know how to do all that when they grow up, so now's a good time to start. Even if it only gets you 30 minutes, that's a short walk right there. You also don't have to leave out activites with your kids to exercise. Get everyone bikes and go for a weekly family bike ride. Get some kind of exercise DVD that the kids can join in for fun. Go out and practice with your son for playing catch or pitching. Doing outdoor things with your kids is a great way to both connect with them and get some exercise in. It may not be structured, but if you're moving, that counts.

    As for me, I had to have a phys-ed credit for my degree, so I took walking this semester. So at the very least, I HAVE to get up early on Saturdays for it. And doing so has made me a bit more motivated to actually walk other times.
  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    Your son doesn't have a game everyday, does he? Some days it is just practice, right? One of my friends said he was in the best shape of his life when his kids were elementary school age. He would take them to soccer practice then go for a run for an hour while the kids were practicing. Built in exercise time.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    I am assuming that no child has an official game several days per week, so the usual schedule should be training a few times per week, no? If he is an only child (i.e. no younger siblings to supervise and chase all over the place at the same time) then this is the perfect time to either leave the child and go to the gym or for a long walk or run. If there are multiple kids and you have to spend several hours per day taking them to and from activities (my case) then either figure out if there is enough waiting time in between activities to spend on walking or jogging (20-30 minutes is a good start) or schedule 2 workouts on the weekend and once a week leave the kids with their dad once you all get home and go for a late evening workout. He might not be thrilled if it is the first time he actually has to parent alone, but it will do both him and the kids good.
  • ruggedshutter
    ruggedshutter Posts: 389 Member
    That looks like my I get up at 4am for a 25-60 minute workout. I usually don't get a chance to sit down until 8 or 9pm and in bed by 10 or 11pm. Like others have said, you don't have to exercise to lose weight. There are quick and intense workouts like T25 or Insanity Max30 that can get a good 200-300 calorie burn in under 30 minutes.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    I have been where you are. My son played peewee football from the age of 5 to middle school. I used to walk during his pracitces. It gave me tons of time to get some exercise in. At the time I was working full time with over and hour commute myself. Granted I know we were not eating as healthy as we could then. We would often eat out after practice, so I didn't have to clean up the kitchen. But I promise you that there could have been more damage to my weight if I had not been doing all of the walking!
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    sanren79 wrote: »
    I want to know, how does everyone do it. I really don't want to hear the whole thing that if you really want to make it happen you can...I need to know if I am alone in the fact that I feel like I have to sacrifice sleep in order to get in the exercise.

    Example of my day today:

    Wake: 6am
    Leave for work: 7:15
    Work: 8:30-5
    Get home: 6:15
    Sons Ball Game: 7pm
    Leave Game: 9pm
    get home: 9:30
    Feed kids snack, ask repeatly to shower, clean up kitchen, start laundry, actually see husbands face, load dishwasher, shower me, pick clothes, prep lunches, etc byt this time its almost midnight.

    Yes, I do have over an hour commute to and from work.

    Am I alone in trying to get exercise in?

    Not anymore, but in the past I've had a very hectic schedule where it was hard to get in any exercise. Can your husband do any of those things you list after you get home? If you're not getting home until 9:30, could he do some laundry or dishes or make lunches? I mean, unless he is also away until that time, I really don't see why he isn't helping.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Can you walk around during your son's game? Where my son plays, there's a whole perimeter and I can still watch the game.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    Sanren. Your schedule up to and including the commute is almost exactly the same as mine. For those of you asking about a ball game everyday, it might not be a ball game but there is something everyday like returning library books, grocery shopping, etc. It is ALWAYS something. Especially, if you have more than one kid.

    Now, this isn't to start the whole "then why did you have multi kids argument." Sometimes you just have to find a way to fit in exercise. I go late at night when monkeys are in bed. Usually around 8:30 (I'm lucky because my boys are still little and my husband is a rockstar!) Anything that is extra, husband's commute is 15 minutes and the boys and I commute about an hour each way. That gives him a whole hour to himself to do minor errands so that I don't have to do them.

    I also get my groceries delivered which is the raddest service ever. For $8 peapod by giant drops that *kitten* off at my house. I also cook alot on the grill and in the crock pot to save time and dishes.

    Yes, I do give up sleep. I bet every parent on here (dad or mom) does the same. If I have a week that is too hectic I'll try to stay within my calorie limit at least. If that fails, I eat at maintenance. It's not the fastest way to lose weight, but seriously, I need to be able to sustain this for at least 20 years until the kids get out.

    The hardest thing is to get out of the "I deserve a reward" attitude. When you live through a ridiculously busy day and all you want to do is curl up on the couch with a glass of wine because "you've earned it" that is where I struggle. I did earn it. But I also earned a fat butt by drinking a glass of wine each Go to the gym however and for however long you can manage.

    Don't beat yourself up if you miss a day or two or even a week.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    sanren79 wrote: »
    I want to know, how does everyone do it. I really don't want to hear the whole thing that if you really want to make it happen you can...I need to know if I am alone in the fact that I feel like I have to sacrifice sleep in order to get in the exercise.

    Example of my day today:

    Wake: 6am
    Leave for work: 7:15
    Work: 8:30-5
    Get home: 6:15
    Sons Ball Game: 7pm
    Leave Game: 9pm
    get home: 9:30
    Feed kids snack, ask repeatly to shower, clean up kitchen, start laundry, actually see husbands face, load dishwasher, shower me, pick clothes, prep lunches, etc byt this time its almost midnight.

    Yes, I do have over an hour commute to and from work.

    Am I alone in trying to get exercise in?

    Can't your husband pitch in a little here? How old are your kids? Do you really have a ball game every night?

    My wife and I alternate duties so that we can both have our's important because both of us actually want to be around and be healthy enough to watch our kids grow up so regular exercise is a priority. We also want to be examples for our kids and we as a family are just generally active.

    One of my kiddos has Kung Fu 3x wife and I alternate. When she takes them, that gives me time to get in a quick workout at the gym and I can be home and have dinner ready for everyone and I will generally get my kids lunches packed for the next day as well as any other domestic things that need taken care wife reciprocates on the other day.

    It sounds to me like you have a situation where only one adult is doing all of the domestics and taking care of the kids, etc. I just don't think it can work in that kind of have to have a partnership. Maybe talk to your husband about how important it would be for you to have some time to's also just great time to be 45-60 minutes in the weight room is is my time and it's only 3x weekly.

    I would also add that I use my lunch hour for exercise as well and we as an organization recently adopted a wellness program at the office...if people sign up they get an additional 30 minutes per day to exercise during office hours.

  • Gogirl40
    Gogirl40 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in the same boat, working full time with 4 kids and a husband who travels for work. Plan your workouts on Sundays and aim for 3 workouts a week. If you can manage 4, bonus! Put it in your calendar with reminders just like anything else. Pack your gym bag on Sunday night when you put clothes away and get ready for your work week.

    I always exercise on Saturday or Sunday, sometimes both. Monday or Wednesday if the weather cooperates I'll run during gymnastics practice 6:00 - 7:00. When my kids were small enough they came with me in the jogging stroller. Tuesday I either go to the gym during my lunch hour or after work before dinner (alternating weeks when my son doesn't have physical therapy.) Thursdays during my lunch hour. If I don't have time for the gym, walking shoes and laps around my office building. 20-30 minutes is better than nothing. Sometimes Fridays after work and if we don't eat till 7:30 or 8:00 pm that's ok. When my husband is not out of town I try to get to a 5:30-6:30 am boot camp once a week.

    Laundry - only on weekends (12 loads a week) Husband and kids do their share of laundry, dishes & picking up. Sometimes the dishes pile up. Oh well.
    I have a magnet on my fridge that says, "We can't both look good. It's either me or the house."
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    sanren79 wrote: »
    I want to know, how does everyone do it. I really don't want to hear the whole thing that if you really want to make it happen you can...I need to know if I am alone in the fact that I feel like I have to sacrifice sleep in order to get in the exercise.

    Example of my day today:

    Wake: 6am
    Leave for work: 7:15
    Work: 8:30-5
    Get home: 6:15
    Sons Ball Game: 7pm
    Leave Game: 9pm
    get home: 9:30
    Feed kids snack, ask repeatly to shower, clean up kitchen, start laundry, actually see husbands face, load dishwasher, shower me, pick clothes, prep lunches, etc byt this time its almost midnight.

    Yes, I do have over an hour commute to and from work.

    Am I alone in trying to get exercise in?

    Surely your son doesn't have a basketball game every day.

    How old are your kids? If they are older than 5/6, I suggest giving them a list of chores, i.e. laundry, dishwasher, etc.

    What's your husband doing while you slave away? Why can't he prep the lunches, help with cleaning up the kitchen, doing laundry, and loading the dishwasher?

    You can't be the only person doing the chores. He should be contributing so you can have some 'me' time.
  • phill_143
    phill_143 Posts: 64 Member
    I have a similar routine, at least in terms of commute and hours. I moved further away from work 6 months ago and really had to make a conscious effort to adjust to fit in daily exercise.

    Key changes I made:

    - Waking up an hour earlier
    - Speeding up the morning routine! I'm out of the house 18mins after waking up now
    - Heading straight to the gym pre-work and skipping drying my hair after post-workout shower to allow a longer gym session
    - Also managed to agree with my boss to work 1 day a week at home - it's awesome getting the commute time back on that day! Nice long run by the river on that day
    - Eating lunch at my desk and using lunchbreak for a walk
    - Doing more meal prep and chores on the weekends

    I know I'm pretty lucky that I'm fine on 5 hours sleep and in being able to work at home one weekday - so appreciate that might not work for you too - but just wanted to share some thoughts :)

    As a more drastic adjustment... I've been doing the long 1.5 hour commute for 6 months now - and am considering whether it's still worth it.

    If exercise is a priority, how much are those 2 hours daily commute worth to you? Could it even be worth taking a paycut to have a job close enough to cycle to?
    It's definitely something I'm thinking about...