Anyone trying to lose 5 stone or more?

hi all

I am a mum of 3... (6, 2 and 3 months)... On maternity leave...

I am trying to lose at least 5 stone. I am also trying to remain realistic that it won't happen quickly or overnight.... If only aye

I think I'm going to give myself a year or so to do this. Is that realistic enough?

I started off weighing 19 stone 2lbs, and I've lost 10 lbs so far in the last 6 or so weeks.

I have a long way to go and I'm sometimes very disappointed when the scales contradict my efforts. :-(

Rome wasn't built in a day though, right?

Well I'd like to talk to anyone in the same position as me.... .

Feel free to add me and hopefully we can motivate one another..



  • moretym
    moretym Posts: 4 Member
    I am 21stone and I want to get to 13stone eventually. Haven't weighed that since I was 15 (34 now) *so I'm asking a lot
  • shannonbun
    shannonbun Posts: 168 Member
    I started at 19.5 stone and am now 17.3 (-2.2 stone / 30 lbs). Slow but steady wins the race... and keeps the weight from coming back immediately after you stop 'dieting'! I'll get to 12 stone one day...