Lasik anyone?

Amanda82691 Posts: 298 Member
So I know this is pretty fitness unrelated however it is health related. I have worn glasses since the 3rd grade and I worn contacts since around 7th grade. This past year or so I have been having extremely dry eyes when wearing contacts to the point I have to take them out within an hour of having them in. Then my eyes feel scratchy the rest of the day. I have been seeing my eye doctor regarding this matter and she has concluded I have severe dry eyes. She had me on a steroid eye drop for two weeks 4x a day. Then for an additional 4 weeks twice a day. She has also changed my contact lenses twice and NOTHING. I am still so severely dry.

I have been considering lasik eye surgery. I have heard it can lead to dry eyes but at this point the only time my eyes are not dry is when I don't have contacts in and I don't put them in. I know the obvious answer is just wear glasses all the time but um...yea... I don't want to have to wear glasses 24/7. I like how I look without them.

So I am curious to hear from those of you who have had this procedure and what do you think? Do you recommend it, or regret it?


  • guitarrckr
    guitarrckr Posts: 1,717 Member
    glad i did, way back when...age beats everything ! back to readers...
  • LiquidSparkle86
    LiquidSparkle86 Posts: 736 Member
    I feel your pain! In just now getting into thw contact lense thing. But i got glasses whe. I was like 25ish. Everyone says i look great with glasses but i hate them (plus thats the first thing my kids go for lol). Anyway i had a consultation for lasik anf im a good candidate for both PRK and lasik. I would probably do PRK as they dont actually slice your eyeball like lasik lol but my eyes get a little worse every year. I will probably hold out a little longer before doing mine for that reason ornid have to get it done again. Both my dad and step mom had it done and they still have readers but dont need glasses all the time. Id totally be down with that! :0) as far as the dry eyes though i dont know if thats just a lasik thing or if PRK would do that also. Maybe go in for a consultation to check out your options?!?
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    I had it done - some of the best money I have spent. I wore contact lenses all the time. I hated wearing glasses plus my presciption was strong. My vision was so bad I couldn't see my self clearly in the bathroom mirror to put on makeup! I remember having to put in the fake tears while my eyes were healing. My only advice would be to go to a reputable place and not the only got one set of eyes. :):)
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    I had lasik in my right eye and PRK in my left. PRK is similar to lasik. I did it in 2005 and have since had two pregnancies and my vision is still 20/20. Best decision and money I've ever spent.