Need someone to have a go if I dont log properly or do some exercise.

Okay for the last month or so i've messed about and now I have realised that I was supposed to have met my goal in another month or so but instead I have made no further progress.

So now im asking for your help guys I am going to start doing the 30 day shred daily - obviously some days I wont be able to do it but no more just putting it off due to not being bothered, if you see that I haven't done it then have a go at me as I need my *kitten* kicked into gear!

Also I have a habit of just logging breakfast just so I get my daily count and then stopping, when I log properly i'm fine so I need to start this again.

Please feel free to add me as a friend

Oh and just for the record im 18, 5 foot 2 and about 12 stone I have already lost 1 but need to get another 3 off :)