Help staying on track during road trip

Last year we went on a 3 week road trip from Massachusetts to the Grand Canyon and absolutely had a great time. We are doing it again this year. The difference now is, last year I had no idea how much I weighed, I just knew that I was obese and that I love southern food. I remember feeling so swollen like I couldn't move to the point that when I got out of the car to walk around different attractions, I felt miserable. I weighed myself at the end of January, got into a "funk" for a few days and starved myself. On February 4th I started my calorie counting at 302 lbs (because I love food and I don't do well with hunger pains). I am now 271 lbs, happy with what I am doing to lose the weight, and have learned a few truths like sodium is not my friend, and like an addict, it takes a lot of will power to measure, portion, and say no. I cook cook my own meals at hope, but once a week we have a "Splurge Day", I have learned to go to websites like Taco Bell, Ihop etc. and choose my meal to keep me satisfied within my calorie limit, and on track, but the sodium always blows me up the next day. When we go on our trip, I want to still enjoy the delicious southern and mid western food (we love those little places like you see on that popular TV show). Any thoughts or suggestions? Also any low calorie but filling snacks I can carry in my backpack for those long stretches of nothing but road? Thanks in advance!!!


  • NicoleFray
    NicoleFray Posts: 82 Member
    If you buy a little mini cooler (I have one and love it it's very tiny but you can fit a good amount in there and you can throw it in your packpack) pack some apples, sting cheese, any fruit/veggies! I love pistachios, or almonds. All those are great for you and help with energy!
    My husbands family lives out of state so we travel a lot! and its hard not to stop and eat all the bad foods so we pack a cooler and snacks. You feel much better eating the stuff you bring rather then the nasty greasy food and sitting there for hours lol.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    Get a cooler and prepackage/weigh fresh fruit and cut up vegetables for the car.