Looking for new MFP friends!

Hi there. I’m Err.

I’m just your average 23 year old red-head who has a penchant for profanity, pearls, and general debauchery.

I love beer, witty banter, and dancing on the bar (drunk or sober, it don’t matter).

I played four years of college tennis, and while my stats may not be impeccable, I had a blast. I’m a lover of all sports, namely, the Yankees, Rangers, and Giants.

Most nights you can find me out dancing my *kitten* off, getting into shennanigans, or curled up with a great book at home.

I'm fairly new to the HEALTHY weight loss journey, and am looking for plenty of friends for support and encouragement!

Being 23 shouldn't mean putting a huge damper on your social life in order to lose weight! I would love any fellow MFP's who struggle with balancing the desire to lose weight, with the desire to have one too many cocktails ; )

Feel free to add, I'm friendly, I LOOOOOVE tennis, and am looking to give as much support to others!

Go on, add me, I dare ya :wink:

Happy losing :smile:


    HTECHS Posts: 55 Member
    Hello Err!

    Just think of it this way... the average cocktail is 150-200 calories... 1 burpee = 1 calorie burned. you do the math LOL

  • Pixiemite
    Pixiemite Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I've been on Slimming World for 4 weeks & just joined MyFitnessPal. I'm disabled due to an ongoing chronic hip problem, so I struggle a bit with exercise! Looking to add friends for support.
    Best Wishes,
  • michellelhodges123
    michellelhodges123 Posts: 102 Member
    Lol..Hello, Err, while well out of my 20's..and married....out of five sisters..I am the twisted one:), though, I do attempt to tone it down when I go home! Love my wine..and a few other drinks..and do count them when I have them! Can't add from the freakin ipad...feel free to add me. Lol..due to where I live..it's a Red Sox, Patriots and Red Wings ( ok..so, only 2 out of 3) here!