
I have never wrote on this website even though i have been very active for the past couple years. I am starting to wonder if everything i am doing is worth it, I exercise everyday and eat well...i have lost weight according to the scale but i cant see it in the mirror. My biggest problem/hate is for my "pooch/inner tube" I have a 4 pack haha but then it just melts down to ick...i also have love handles that i am very self conscious daughter is 6 and i have been using her as an excuse but i think that time has come where that wont work anymore! I have been doing a TON of ab workouts. Do i just need to give it more time? am i being too hard on myself? somedays i feel like giving up and going back to amazing food,pop etc. but i realize how far ive come..


  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    My weight loves to stay in my hips and stomach as well. You can't do anything to cause fat to go away from one area as opposed to another - you just have to keep plugging away until the fat in those areas is next up to get used up.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Doing core/ab exercises is great, but unfortunately the only way to get rid of the fat is to eat at a deficit. When you're losing fat, you don't get to pick where it comes from either.

    Eating at a deficit and patience.
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    What everyone else has said. Fat will go eventually, you just need to be eating consistently in a caloric deficit. Good luck.
  • mom2krm
    mom2krm Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks everyone! I will keep working my *kitten* off :)