How did you stop binge eating?



  • gamamunoz805
    gamamunoz805 Posts: 20 Member
    daniip_la wrote: »
    The title really says it all, for those of you who managed to overcome binge eating, how did you do it?

    I've been working on losing weight for almost 5 years now (I'm 25), and it's been the same pattern over and over again. I do great for 6 months or so, get down to a new low weight, and then screw it all up by binging for several months. As of February of this year, I was down a total of 96 pounds (with still 100 lbs left to lose), and then started binge eating from stress. Almost two months later I'm still eating like crazy, and I haven't weighed during this time but I know I'm up at least 10 lbs.

    I know no one is forcing me to eat, and it's up to me to just stop bingeing, but any tips? At all? I'm hating myself so much right now.

    If you feel like eating , "eat some thing that's is low calories " for example baby caries are really low in calories I snack on them all day and they taste good lol ohh " no ranch lol" and celery sticks with mexican spice named (tajin) so good
  • gamamunoz805
    gamamunoz805 Posts: 20 Member
    bonniejo wrote: »
    D_squareG wrote: »
    Try to figure out your triggers and then avoid them. For me, television can really trigger eating. If I see people eating, I want to eat. Some shows I had trouble with: Sopranos (always eating), Bluebloods (the show focuses around a family dinner each week, anything Food Network. Just remove those things that stimulate you. At least for a while.

    If you don't know what is causing it, keep a diary of your binges. Where were you, what were you doing, what did you eat, and etc.

    And most importantly, try to log the binge. Tell yourself that is the least you can do. Seeing the numbers is sometimes a wake up call.

    Good luck. It isn't easy, but it isn't hopeless.

    Haha watch Walking Dead. When they're eating it's either walkers eating people or people eating dog food or worms or squirrels. You won't want to eat lol

  • louminouche
    louminouche Posts: 37 Member
    I binged yesterday after only two days of starting on 1500 calories. I know why I do it - if I deviate from my daily routine I lose it. Yesterday went out with a friend when I really did not want out to go and it sent me over the hedge. I am also a perfectionist (in my head) but can never attain perfection in anything - that is also a trigger.

    I am retired with no hope of finding another job, no strong hobbies, love wathing tv, hate exercise - love my own company - have a pretty nice life compared to many - but I am on worst ennemy. 60 lbs to lose. Am I the only one to feel like that?
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Buy some books by Geneen Roth.
    Also learn / study deep breathing techniques:
  • LiveLoveRunFar
    LiveLoveRunFar Posts: 176 Member
    Every time I felt like binge eating, I got on the treadmill. It worked great. It stopped the urge and now that's what I focus on instead of food. Get my workouts in, go for activity when stress hits, --- basically recognize it for what it is, not hunger, stress--and do something that actually gets rid of the stress, not feed it!
  • deannaaaaaaaaa
    deannaaaaaaaaa Posts: 238 Member
    bonniejo wrote: »
    D_squareG wrote: »
    Try to figure out your triggers and then avoid them. For me, television can really trigger eating. If I see people eating, I want to eat. Some shows I had trouble with: Sopranos (always eating), Bluebloods (the show focuses around a family dinner each week, anything Food Network. Just remove those things that stimulate you. At least for a while.

    If you don't know what is causing it, keep a diary of your binges. Where were you, what were you doing, what did you eat, and etc.

    And most importantly, try to log the binge. Tell yourself that is the least you can do. Seeing the numbers is sometimes a wake up call.

    Good luck. It isn't easy, but it isn't hopeless.

    Haha watch Walking Dead. When they're eating it's either walkers eating people or people eating dog food or worms or squirrels. You won't want to eat lol

    that is my #1 show, and i *kitten* you not i literally use this tactic.
  • mcgra263
    mcgra263 Posts: 23 Member
    It's such a mental battle but everytime I feel like I'm getting to that point, I take a deep breath and start pinning things about getting in shape on pinterest, look at fitness accounts on instagram, and read through fitness tweets on twitter and usually I can find my why. Why I'm doing this and what my goals look like. I've had nights where I've literally gone to bed super early because I was afraid I couldn't control myself. Sometimes it's just best to breathe, accept the feelings your having, and mentally will yourself the best you can. Honestly, social media on my fitness journey has been a total blessing. You just have to hold on to your why for dear life and remember that you are doing fantastic things.

    Also, I measure everything. If there's a package of something in my house, I measure out a serving, put it into a separate container, put the package away and sit down and enjoy the smaller serving very slowly.

    Another thing that's helped me is remembering it is IMPORTANT to cheat every now and again. It is much more sustainable than just trying to eat healthy all the time. And if you happen to binge, which is inevitable, don't beat yourself up over it. Accept it, put in the past, move on, and get back to it. Every day is a new day!
  • 50452
    50452 Posts: 170 Member
    Does your binge eating happen at a certain time? I noticed my binge eating happened at night, usually when I start to get tired/sleepy.

    Now I eat dinner a little later, brush my teeth, and do my getting ready for bed routine. I also log everything now. In the past, I would not record a binge - as if I could pretend it didn't happen and I was embarrassed of my lack of willpower. Logging the bad times was eye opening for me.