How many grams of sugar

Hi folks. I'm back because I need to be. I've been on Paleo for a few months. I was reading the blogs because I'm struggling with how many grams of sugar I should be eating. I'm 132 pounds 5'3". I like to get down 120 my ideal weight and where I feel my best. I initially lost 7 pounds on Paleo and then not only did I stop losing weight but I started to gain weight. I believe I maybe eating too many calories and I believe my sugar intake is also too much. Want to know what is recommended.


  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I try to stay away from too many processed foods in general, but I do not obsess over sugar, especially sugar from whole, unprocessed foods. Just stay at your calorie level, eat mostly nutritious food and save some calories for favorite items that meet your emotional needs.
  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    I don't think you can really come up with a number of the grams of sugar you should be eating. Eating sugar doesn't make you gain weight, eating a surplus of calories does. Just try to cut back on the junk food and eat things without a whole ton of added sugar. Your weight loss will be the same either way but foods with only natural sugar tend to be better for you because they have additional vitamins and nutrients (such as fruit).
  • Guber3mom
    Guber3mom Posts: 60 Member
    Thank you Ladies, good advice, I appreciate it!! I agree about processed food. I really don't eat much. I was wondering from anyone on a paleo if they have a sugar gram count they adhere too. But bottom line is caloric intake vs burned!! Always hungry, menopause kicking in, fatigued, craving and slow metabolism. Fitness pal a good place to be!!
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    There was recently an article on the MFP blog that addressed your question:

    Welcome back!
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    If you eat fruit, chances are you are going to go over the daily "recommended" amount.

    Just ignore it. Eat within your calorie goal and you'll be fine.
  • Guber3mom
    Guber3mom Posts: 60 Member
    Thank you!
  • Guber3mom
    Guber3mom Posts: 60 Member
    Thank you Socalkay! Good article.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    edited March 2015
    I had started a thread (
    over concerns over too much sugar, actually more health-related than weight related. The various posts by the MFP community went in quite a few directions and make entertaining and informative reading.

    I have just set MFP to have me eat around 1200 with a 35/35/30 protein, carb, fat ratio, and MFP actually will track your sugar and tell you when you go over your allotment. The sugar grams on a day when I don't exercise are usually around 50, and the allowance moves upward with exercise. My own experience with sugar has been rather unpredictable. As other posters have said, sometimes eating fruit and dairy will push it over; on other days, I can even eat a small dessert and not go over. Regarding weight loss, I haven't noticed a difference; total calories and activity level seems to make the most difference in weight loss - CICO, although I've noticed a more toned appearance when I increased my protein. My overall concern about sugar was the health consequence, since there is a trend among many of my healthy and dieting friends to strictly cut back and even put strict limits on their children (no more orange juice or sweetened yogurts, for example). I'm also married to a diabetic and prepare some of his meals, so that's also a concern.

    It sounds as if you are just at a plateau, which is typical for someone who is close to a goal weight. Since you are already at a normal weight for your height, your weight is going to come off very slowly, maybe .5 or less a week. If you're working out a lot, you might not lose lbs., but start losing inches.
  • Guber3mom
    Guber3mom Posts: 60 Member
    Thank you! Following your thread.