Goal Images?

I am lost on goals, I don't know what percent of my weight is fat, but I want to slim my arms, exchange belly fat for a flat stomach, and exchange thigh and buttox fat with muscle, id like to tone them. I'm unsure of what my goals look like though? Are goals pics advised by any of you?


  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    Absolutely! My favorite goal picture is one of me and hubby on the beach in Maui from 10 years ago. It's in a frame on my dresser and I look at it every morning to remind myself of what is possible with hard work and dedication.

    I also look at other people's pics here on MFP. Some of these folks look just amazing, especially when you see their BEFORES. The AFTERS are incredible.

    A lot of people recommend taking before pictures when you start. Good luck!
  • lastusernameever
    lastusernameever Posts: 17 Member
    I like www.modelmydiet.com - wee bit of fun!