Night shift?



  • mccarol1956
    mccarol1956 Posts: 422 Member
    I should add that I developed a neurological disorder that cost me my job and my fitness about 3 years ago. I am starting over now without the ability to walk or hike like I used to. I am trying to work through it though and push myself. I have a goal that may be out of reach but will do it anyway. I am walking in the Avon39 walk for breast cancer in San Francisco on July 11 and 12. It is a 26.3 mile walk the first day and a 13 mile walk the 2nd day. I may not be able to complete the walk but will give it all I have. I may not move again for weeks after ha ha ha. I did this walk in Colorado 3 years ago and made all but 4 miles of the entire 39.3 miles. I will be happy with anything I complete!! have to have goals!
  • racerguy
    racerguy Posts: 27 Member
    Great tips everyone. It's been a long time since I have been on. I thought I could stay on track without keeping track of what I was doing. I was wrong. Although I didn't gain any weight, I didn't lose any either.