Would really love some help/suggestions...

After I had my first son, I did the 30DS and cut calories. I saw AMAZING results.

Now, after having my second son, I'm trying to lose the weight again. I am doing the 30DS every day, with one rest day a week. On rest days, I do light cardio. I'm also doing about 45 minutes of cardio each day that I do the 30DS.

I am tracking all of my food/drinks each day. I know that I need to do better with eating breakfast, but other than that I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. It has only been 10 days, and I get that it can take much longer to lose weight, but I still feel like I'm not doing something correctly. The scale is not budging. I have taken pictures, and I do see a slight change...I think.

Could anyone offer me nutrition tips or any other tips to boost my progress? While I am trying to make a lifestyle change, I would love to look better for my 30th birthday trip the first of May.

Thanks in advance.


  • cbhubbybubble
    cbhubbybubble Posts: 465 Member
    You will be asked to open your diary. Without your stats (weight, height, etc) and an open diary, you can't get relevant advice.
  • drummondk
    drummondk Posts: 79 Member
    I thought it was open. I'll go fix that.
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    I would trust your pictures more than the scales. Use a tape measure too.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    edited March 2015
    Honestly, I would just give it more time at this point. It's a little early for convincing scale results, there are many things that may be masking current loss since this is a new routine for you.

    Also, it looks like your calorie goal is about 1000 calories a day? Is that correct? I know there has been a bug with MFP where it is giving unusually low goals lately. Thats a really tough goal to live with long term.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    edited March 2015
    drummondk wrote: »
    I still feel like I'm not doing something correctly.

    Is this because of how you feel (energy, sleep, mood, joint pain) or because of the scale?
  • drummondk
    drummondk Posts: 79 Member
    I am eating exercise calories back. MFP did have me at a goal of 1068 a day, but I bumped it up to 1200 plus eating exercise calories back.

    In my head, I realize it's really early to see results. I think I'm getting discouraged by energy levels, diet, the scale, and the fact that I saw quick results last time.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Unfortunately the scale and that fast results you are going to have to mentally overcome.

    If you energy levels are low I think its a result of you not eating enough. I am seeing days where you are eating 900-1000 calories. Its easy to feel all victrious and powerful on the days you don't eat much and make a bigger deficit, but every time I do I feel like poop the next day, I have learned its just not worth it.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    edited March 2015
    Yep. Puzzling when you do the the same thing at 2 different times and get different results, and disappointing when expectations prove inaccurate. So many variables (you didn't mention nursing, which is certainly a big one). Candidly, "quick results" are almost always largely glycogen depletion. 100g glycogen used + 400g water released = 1 lb scale loss but has nothing to do with fat loss. People report muscular water retention when starting a new strenuous regimen, too. Who knows, maybe you had less glycogen to give up this time? Or maybe 30DS was more of a shock to your muscles this time? The good news is it did work for you before, so it will again if you stick with it and give it time. I hesitate to mention it, but sleep is so important to the equation, and it's so hard to get for new moms. Prioritizing sleep over exercise will pay off in the long run.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    10 days is not long enough to say whether you're losing weight or not. Period.

    Also, your diary has weird entries. Last night did you go to Chili's, Taco Bell, and eat a can of beans? Seems odd. I don't think you're using the correct entries. It also looks like you're using measuring cups instead of a food scale. Measuring cups are extremely inaccurate, especially for things that have air-gaps, like your entries (grapes, strawberries, cheddar cheese, etc).

    Did you create the entries yourself that say "Homemade" in your diary? If you didn't use the recipe tool, you have no idea if that item has the same number of calories as the dish you created. (Generic - Homemade Paleo Chili, 1 bowl, Homemade - Chicken Salad With Greek Yogurt, 1/2 cup).

    Your exercise journal says you're burning close to 300 calories circuit training for 30 minutes. That's more than I can burn steadily jogging for a full 30 minutes. It's possible this number is inflated.
  • Sweets1954
    Sweets1954 Posts: 506 Member
    On another note, if you are trying to include breakfast into your routine and having trouble, look into some "make ahead" breakfasts. That way you can just grab one portion in the morning and your are off. This was one area I had trouble with and had to make a conscious effort to start doing.
  • AmandaHugginkiss
    AmandaHugginkiss Posts: 486 Member
    If you're doing everything right, you will have lost just at a pound, plus or minus normal weight fluctuations. this means the scale isn't going to show anything. You need at least 30 days to show any real progress, which means a program like 30DS should really be a 90-120DS. Don't necessarily change what you're doing so much as your mindset. Taking longer to reach goals is just fine.
  • hyperbeth1
    hyperbeth1 Posts: 70 Member
    I would reduce the processed/eating out and make more meals from home. From there, you can control what you put in the recipes. That can lower calories and fat. If you are nursing, you are burning around 300 calories a day from that alone. If you are not eating enough, your body will hold on to whatever fat you have. I know this from experience. If I didn't eat enough or drink enough fluids while nursing, I felt like crap. I think that you might want to incorporate some other things into your workout such as running, strength training, yoga. I would not do the 30DS 6 times a week. Variety in diet and exercise helps. One final thing I would focus on is sleep. Studies show that not getting enough rest deters weight loss. Give yourself time.
  • drummondk
    drummondk Posts: 79 Member
    Thank you everyone, for your advice. I definitely think it is my mindset mixed with not enough sleep and error in calorie counting. I'll take all of that into consideration and adjust accordingly. :)