100 lbs to lose!



  • candacecollinsfinley
    candacecollinsfinley Posts: 114 Member
    Any girls are welcome to add me for support!!! :) I have lost 51 lbs so far, starting weight was 240. I'm also on FB or Instagram @candacecollinsfinley

    -Candace pirb5xlybh92.jpg
  • PoopuhT
    PoopuhT Posts: 11 Member
    I am too in need to lose 100lbs! My idea is to lose it in about a year, hopefully it will happen.
    Advice: Small goals that lead to the bigger picture.
    Thats what Im doing.

    My goals: Lose 20lbs, Drink tons more water, start avoiding junk food slowly.
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    I'm also here to lose 100 lbs. I started a month ago at 251 lbs. I'm at 237 now so I still have 100 pounds to go. Add me and we can help motivate each other.
  • jenniferlandaverde
    jenniferlandaverde Posts: 6 Member
    I'm on the same band wagon. I need to lose 100 lbs and am just starting my journey. It feels almost impossible right now, but I know it will be less intimidating not doing it alone. So I'm definitely looking for friends and a good support group. :D Good luck everyone!